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This show possesses its listener with joy and solves problems.



With this episode, I have listened to every episode of this podcast. I started this March, and your show got me through some grueling shifts at work. I started because I had a vague curiosity about Lovecraft, and you guys came up while I was looking for some resources to help me get into it. Thank you for making this year much better. By the way, the show peaked when Chad suggested that the reader, (I beleive it was Greg Johnson), caught pigeons in his mouth. Everything else has been a solid 5/10. I look forward to staying with your show till episode 1000!


More Manimal? You are crueler than I ever imagined.


LOL oh man. Hey, I only wish I could draw!


After Andrew’s comment, I have formed a new religion The Church of Manimalism. Every Thursday night we gather perform a dark eldritch ritual to praise Dr. Jonathan Chase before watching an episode of Manimal as our sanity slowly erodes and we come to embrace the dark, frightening truth that we live in a cold, unforgiving universe and that Manimal is our only salvation.


The Turn of the Shrew - worst Manamal fanfic ever


It might be terrible. It might be an abomination. But that fanfic is all I want now.


0.0. I indirectly made an episode title, that's fun. I honestly don't think we can be finished until you have reviewed the entire Manimal cannon. Hell, maybe even use your role-playing expertise to construct a broader, Manimal cinematic universe. Marvel has shown us that the possibilities are boundless. TBH, if you threw in a manimal tier on Patreon, we could probably raise enough cash for you guys to buy the IP rights, and then, by golly, the sky is the limit. If I remember correctly from when I first googled the show after hearing y'all talk about it, Sony owns the rights because they were gonna make a CGI movie? With Will Ferrel of all people. That was back in like 2011 tho so you can probably pick it up on the cheap.


Oh man, I NEED to see that Drunk History footage! What a cool coincidence.


Come for the sexual harassment, stay for the screaming abyss!


This has been a heck of a year, indeed. And your voices have been real touchstones for me and - I suspect - for us all. Thank you both so much for continuing to put out thoughtful, emotional, and always satisfying work. You guys sound great, you're edited brilliantly, the sound design kicks Stygian ass, and in a world gone mad, it is your level-headed insanity that inoculates us to the murder-otter reality none should face. Thank you for your contribution to 2020, Chris and Chad. You are loved and appreciated.


You guys clearly need to drop Pitch Black Manor. Fine Young Manimals is an objectively better band name.


As a college student, I appreciate the acknowledgment of how difficult it is at this time. Speaking for my own experience, my school has not even attempted to help out students struggling to get through the year, especially considering that most of them (myself included) are teaching classes to themselves with little or no input from the profs.


I like that Chad copped to becoming a belligerent jerk when blackout drunk. Have always wondered what percentage of DH interviews end up on the cutting room floor because the interviewee was too incapacitated (or in this case, argumentative) to carry on.


I would have pegged peak podcraft as the moment when Chad issued his rodent inhalation PSA: "Don't huff rats." Words to live by.