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No story, no topic - just a chat about all the madness of 2020! Join us as we stalk and terminate that pesky breeze!


Richard Horsman

Looking forward to listening to this one. Podcasts have been a real lifeline for me this year, especially the ones that I've been listening to for a long time like you guys.


Thanks for sharing this conversation, guys. It was really enjoyable just hearing you chat and share what's going on in your worlds given this unusual situation we're all in. More so than ever, I really look forward to each show, whether it's Manimal, ghosts, Cthulhus or Lying Vincent Price, so thank you!


Thanks guys- some calm civilised conversation is a boon at this time. Condolences, Chad on your uncle passing.


I really enjoy hearing you guys talk about whatever. It probably fits right into my echo chamber. It reminds me of conversations with my friends...if I was just listening and not participating. Big thanks for some of the content that not only entertains me but also helps a bit to have something to look forward to.


Loving the chat about roleplay and glad to hear Chad has found his way into it. I played a lot throughout my 20s and early 30s but the last 7 years or so has been pretty smothered in having three children and working shifts. Really want to get back into it though, especially as I keep accruing new RP books and systems. Traveller is one I have always wanted to try but haven't yet. Hoping Dragonmeet gets to run again as I have been trying to get there the last few years without success as well.

Andrew M. Reichart

Great just "hangin' out" with you guys like this. Listening to you two chat every week for a decade makes y'all feel like close friends of mine -- which, since I've only actually spoken to each of you for like a minute or so in person, seems like something out of Black Mirror. Still, nice to hear you guys shootin' the breeze.


I loved hearing you guys chat. You mix fun and serious topics well, very entertaining. I'd love to see an animated short based on one of your conversations someday. Or maybe something with live actors in the style of "Drunk History?"


I feel your pain about the relatives who seem suddenly radicalised. I’ve had to block someone very close to me. Even the cutesy animal memes they share on group chats are from some outrageously hateful bot account. Thank you for shooting the shit this honestly. It was really nice to hear and I’d welcome more


Great content, guys.


Re the roleplaying chat, did Chris and group roll up space pirates in Traveller, or did that just evolve over time? And with Chad's improv and storytelling chops, I bet he's a great GM. I'm only in one occasionally meeting group, but I've started to make some props for Call of Cthulhu scenarios once getting together in groups is a thing again. Inspired by the fantastic Mr. Leman and HPLHS font/prop collections, I'm enjoying this new creative outlet. Hoping for the best for both of you and your families. The podcast is a welcome treat each week.


Gents! It truly was a pleasure to listen in to you have your chat. (The audio quality is much better than the monitoring systems you were kind enough to install in your homes - thanks!) But seriously, I really appreciate your honesty and allowing us to see you working some things out. There was some serious nodding and affirmative grunting going on here. Death and remote caring. The frictions in sharing space even with those you love most. Creative opportunities and the coming to terms with the unequal distribution of them - of advantage. I am very glad for this forum because (I think) it is not so mediated as so much social media. Patreon is much clearer on this. They've got our money and don't need us fighting to make more. I mean, sure, they're using you. But you get to use them right back. I heard once that Facebook would only have to charge about $10 / year to earn the same amount they earn with ads. I truly wish they would. Be well, my boon companions. I wish you good health and peace.


I’m saving RWST episodes for what I see as my inevitable move back into full quarantine for the winter. I’ve personally been in quarantine twice for two two week stints since school started back up on September 1st. I’m guessing we will all be sent home before long and I’ll have to wrap myself in lackey podcasts to get me through. I can’t wait to listen to this one.


it was good guys 👍🏻. You’re both intelligent, empathetic people so yeah, just listening to you guys talk about stuff is still a fun/interesting ride.


I liked your comment that Saki stories feature kids against adults and that made me think of Roald Dahl. All of his stories are about children navigating an incomprehensible world of whackadoodle adults and overcoming. Pretty subversive if not quite as dark as Saki. Thanks for the great, honest conversation. Chad I'm so sorry to hear about your uncle and the issues with elder care for your mom. Chris, hang in there with your son at home. These are very tough times and facing it with creative outlets is the best advice. A lot of breadmakers will be born out of this period!


Thank you for the shout out! Really enjoy you guys shooting the breeze. Your content is always great and entertaining. Condolences on the passing of your uncle Chad. Sending good thoughts and positive vibes. Hope this comment finds you both well. Keep up the great amazing work, you guys are a godsend.


Black Mirror crushed my soul in the first season. I wasn't able to watch any more after, like, the fourth episode. Also, yes, shooting the breeze is a nice listen. Thanks for the recording!


This was really enjoyable, thanks guys. Looking forward to Turn of the Screw, and to spending a better year ahead with my favorite podcast. (This one.)


I felt the same way. The Twilight zone had some grim episodes but it never filled me with existential despair the way some black mirror episodes did.


Hi fellas, and everybody listening. Thanks for this 'shooting the breeze' episode - yes, I do like hearing you both talk about current events. It makes me happy to hear you have moderate discussions about the things my FB friends want to yell at each other about from opposite corners of the boxing ring. Your observations about social media really hit home with me, because here just outside Washington DC, it seems that the whole world of "flyover country" has subscribed to a batshit crazy cult and we inside the beltway who consider ourselves the normal people who read the Washington Post every day are developing a siege mentality about the world and its denizens. But... when I put the phone down, I still have neighbors I talk to who don't necessarily parrot my political beliefs, the birdies outside still chirp, the damn squirrels still dig up everything I ever tried to plant. Normal life goes on out there, and it's not that polarized. There are times on social media where I have to stop my friends and tell them that hey, I'm the Lib they think is a Tard; conversely I have to shut down other friends who post scatological shit about elected officials. I hate being the moderate one, but they're all putting me here. Anyway, thanks for being reasonable.


I know I'm late to comment on this episode, but I just wanna say that it was really nice to hear you guys shoot the breeze. I'm living abroad in Japan right now, and most of what I get from back home comes from news organizations; so it was really nice to hear a normal person's perspective of how they're coping with all that's going on. Glad you guys are doing well, hope you had a Merry Christmas and that 2021 will find you better and stronger than 2020.