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We're reading whatcha thought about those October mystery writers - tune in!



Damn, I missed the scene where the Cyprian Cat and the lady were both in the room! If I'd caught it, I'd have brought up that one of the neat pancultural bits of supernatural belief is people who can draw their spirit out in the shape of an animal. In some traditions they're sorcerors (maybe that's where the witch's familiar idea came from?) and sometimes it's just an innate power certain people are born with, but you see it crop up everywhere from the Celtic fetch to the nahualli of Central America. A riff on the idea also forms the core plot foundation of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure! (I'm jesting...sadly. I would like to see Stand users fending off the Salem witch trials very much.)


I give Chris' cockney accent 4.5 Dick van Dykes out of 5!


It's luvverly.


Petition for the Manimal episodes to be to called ‘Manimalism’

Darth Pseudonym

The whole "Pan is dead" thing was probably a mistranslation from a confused overhearing of a chant from the cult of Tammuz. Tammuz was a Mesopotamian deity of grain and livestock who died and later returned from the underworld to live again, and the confusion was based on the dual meanings of "Pan" as both a proper name and the Greek word for "all". The phrase supposedly heard by the fisherman Thamus was "Thamus, Pan megas techneke!" ("Thomas, the great Pan is dead!"), but that sounds suspiciously similar to "Tammuz pan-megas techneke!" ("The all-great Tammuz is dead!") which would have been part of the cult's rite of death and rebirth.


Punch is also Hindi. It means five. Not in the knuckle sandwich sense, although that does contain five digits, but the drink which has five ingredients.


You might try C.S. Lewis's The Magician's Nephew, the first Narnia story chronologically, although written sixth. It has a weapon wielding witch queen and Lovecraftian magic.


I think someone brought this up on this last ep, but if you haven’t heard about The Lovecraft Investigations on BBC Radio 4, definitely give it a try. It’s in its third season (Shadow over Innsmouth) and you should start from the first season (season 1 – The Case of Charles Dexter Ward and season 2 – The Whisperer in Darkness). I am always on the search for real audio horror that is actually frightening and these really do the job, perfect for my walks to and from work in the early morning or evening in dark windy autumn. I’ve got to add that their take on Zadok is simply brilliant. I know with Lovecraft Country there would probably be no interest, but this series deserves a live action tv show.


You read my comment and it made my day! Thanks guys 😊