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Bay-zil? It's Baz-aw, Baz-zil if you're posh.


Haven’t listened to the episode yet so I’m going to assume this comment is about pesto.


Only tangentially related to this episode, but randomly, after listening to it, the next podcast that started playing was Stories Podcast, who have just done a children's bedtime adaptation of the Cats of Ulthar. My first thought was GAAAAHHHH!!! But weirdly no body count. Still tho. http://storiespodcast.com/


The comment about taking Lord Henry’s ideas to heart is so right-on. I was the same. I guess the moral is don’t read. Can’t wait for the Comments on the Comments show because then I can do my Comments on the Comments Commentary podcast.


What a wonderful gift it was to be featured on the comment show! No way either of you knew it but it was also my birthday weekend when this episode dropped. I’ve redoubled my donation to match my enthusiasm. Thanks guys!


I am 99% sure I have never seen the neo-femme-video-DG version, but after hearing all about it here, I sort of feel like I have. Oh boy.


I want a GOOD Dorian gray movie to come out so bad