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We watched the third episode of Manimal.



Dammit. That means I have to watch it now, too.


What did we do to deserve more Manimal? Isn’t 2020 enough?


I think you're overlooking the most obvious conclusion any forensic pathologist would draw, if he found a corpse with rope burns on it along with a big tarantula: Autoarachnic asphyxiation.


Eh. Manimal isn’t even breathing hard.


It took me a second to realize my mind wasn’t just blurring that plot dump together and it was actually happening.


As soon as I saw this episode was up I pulled out my computer and watched Night of the Scorpion. Then I listened to this episode. No word of a lie, every single thought I had while watching was brought up in this episode, with funnier jokes than I could come with. Also, that overlap bit had me questioning my sanity. I checked everything; my wifi, my headphones, I was so confused. Great episode guys, more Manimal!


Boy this took me back to my first two ice cream divorces.

Jon Bunger

I am pretty sure that I read in Panther Beat that this episode is where The Scorpions rock band got their name. It was the October issues and had a 3 page spread of creepy crawlies, the candy spiders. I think Wil Wheaton was in the cover with a broadsword and 15 swatches.


Curious Chris- did you ask Rachel to watch this with you, or does your other podcast use up all her patience?

Mark Brett

Bravo on that overlap edit! It just gets funnier and funnier the longer it goes.

Lord Rancid

Damn, I've just caught up. No more spoiling myself with a seemingly endless stream of Chris and Chad.


If you do feel like ever covering Baywatch Nights you can really just cover season 2 episode 1. It's the only actual lovecraftian one, though there are a few fish related episodes. I never made it past episode 5, tbh. They're very bad.