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An elevated discussion of matters concerning hyenas, dogs and deep ones.



I agree with Chad on the unsatisfactory quality of today’s monstrorums (or mallei, for that matter). They rely too much on CGI. I prefer the practical-effects-based monsteorums of my youth.


Wait.. there was another guy named "Manly"!? I recall the episode you did with Manly Wade Wellmen.. but I always thought that was just a brag.. like "this dude is manly"


Can't vouch for the legality of it, but Daily Motion is streaming War Gods From the Deep. Happy to report there is also Blu-Ray of the film.


Yeah, me too. (Laughs nervously)


Looking into it more, War Gods of the deep seems to be a very loose Poe adaption of the poem “City in the Sea”. It was made perhaps to cash in on the Corman/Price Poe adaptions. As Ed stated above, the version is streaming on dailymotion looks ok and is about the same as my old dvd. And it might be streaming on Amazon Prime UK, it won’t play for my location but it is listed so perhaps our UK friends can check that out. https://www.amazon.com/War-Gods-Deep-Vincent-Price/dp/B00AB26IFI The direct dailymotion link: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1x7olj Review of bluray: https://bloody-disgusting.com/reviews/3356788/blu-ray-review-vincent-price-carries-war-gods-deep/


It's not like the poet is called Gerard "Manley" Hopkins to distinguish him from those other eminent Victorians Gerard "Ice Tongs" Hopkins and Gerard "slippery" Hopkins.


I try to assume that no matter how interesting my life is to me, it will probably bore the pants off of anybody else. Thanks for the interest in my aquarium story. Since you were curious about the yakuza element, I'll just give some broad strokes. When I first came to Japan, I lived in a smallish city outside Hiroshima that was lousy with yakuza. They made no effort to hide their association (hooray for bright yellow suits!) and I often ran into groups of them on my walk home from work. They were always kind to me and we had some good laughs. They both played a role in getting my wife and I together and in providing the venue for our wedding. It was a beautiful venue and they tossed in a suite at the hotel for us which all sounds awesome, but it should be said that it's not really like we could have said no. Anyhoo, that all helped me prepare for dealing the yakuza in Tokyo entertainment and explains why I'm not actively scared of working with them. Except for that agency with the aquarium. They terrify me.


Kino Lorber has the blu on sale right now for $14.95 and I just picked it up.

Tom Král

I'd say today's generation Schwarzenegger is The Rock. He's not that young but he is this big muscular guy that starts in action movies with a comedic twist to them. Not as great as Arnold but good and wholesome nontheless


Yeah, although he's kind of a weird inverse Arnie. Unlike Arnold he's a legitimately skilled actor, and unlike 'Eighties Arnold pretty much *everything* he stars in is shit overall.


Haha, honored that you read my comment on the show, even if it does mean I will go down in history as the Thundarr the Barbarian guy. In all seriousness, if I could get Chris and Chad to cover one thing, it would be the novel Resume With Monsters, by William Browning Spencer. Plunging into Thomas Ligotti's work would be a close second. Anyway, big fan. Of Thundarr. And the podcast!


Aww. Thanks for the shout-out to my daughter this week. She was absolutely thrilled to hear her name on the podcast. I greatly appreciate both the personal touch, and the extra dad-points I got from your efforts.

Lord Rancid

Just had a quick looky-loo on Youtube and thar she blows.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5A0DgK7XCJs&ab_channel=santoshdash