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We're talking about your comments and we're doing it WITHOUT SIN!



Let they who are without sin cast the first pod...


It’s pretty sad when two adults can’t pronounce boatswain correctly, but even sadder when they present a TRANSPARENT FICTION that they “meant to do it!” It’s like watching my cat pretend that she meant to miss the jump onto the very low couch. Now try coxswain.


Just finished listening to this episode in the car, and I thought I caught a hint of Peter Gabriel’s “Big Time” in the outro music, so for the remaining 5min before I reached home, I kept singing the chorus of that song with the the words changed to “Boat Swain” :)


Speaking for myself I remember killdozer guy appearing on the news far more clearly than I do the report of Reagan's death. Both, of course, were into gutting the public sector.


Re Ursula Vernon- I highly recommend *all* of her work. The Twisted Ones (under the pen name T Kingfisher) is an excellent sequel to Machen's The White People. Re Shem- I mean the Iron Age Levant does include the Hebrew kingdoms of Israel and Samaria. I guess when we talk about Semitic stereotypes Howard is invoking it's wider than just anti-Semitism in the prejudice against Jewish people sense, it's also taking in the mercantile/pirate/smuggler/fence Phoenecian/Levantine/Arab stereotype (like Sallah in Indiana Jones). Although of course both of those stereotypes have the same partially unsavory roots (cf Watto in The Phantom Menace).


Charnold Fifernegger needs to be a ongoing bit on the show.


Conan: The Adventurer Intro.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVRPB0W3oQM *manly grunting*


(sigh)... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2AzAFqrxfeY

Avlin Starfall

Chad's d&d character is somehow a more extreme version of Goblin Slayer from the anime/manga Goblin Slayer. Lol

John Ross

Cerebus was a part of my teenage years. I picked up the printed collections as they came out, so about one a year. But it was as a series overall you could see where he got ... distracted by his medical diagnosis and later on when his marriage fell apart. It was a massive work that I followed until he mostly landed the ship but it is hard to recommend that people read all the books. Huh... it seems my books that I picked up for $20 or so have increased in value that I might be able to sell them for a new computer. I might have to explore that....

Jason Thompson

Regarding Phil’s disinterest in Conan’s amoral worldview and thus in the whole story, I share it a teeny bit, but I still find Conan basically fun & enjoyable. The one case where I’ve read a genre classic and couldn’t get past the awful attitude was Ian Fleming’s James Bond. If you find Conan misogynistic & callous to the suffering of others, DO NOT read the original James Bond novels


One of the little joys of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen books is that the original (literary) Bond lives to a ripe old age...riddled with syphilis and in terrible agony.


Being able to hear bee orgasms is a very niche superpower.


Apropos of nothing, a very touching article about a new documentary series based on the work of Michelle MacNamara, friend of the show Patton Oswalt's wife. The series is about the Golden State Killer which was published posthumously. https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2020/aug/28/ill-be-gone-in-the-dark-sensitivity-true-crime-tv-hbo


Arnold complaining about how nobody is writing him notes: Not the joke I asked for, but definitely the joke I deserved. Laughter my ass off. Thank you.


A year of Conan? Crom yes.


This is in response to Chris saying he is not a violent person, but yet likes Conan. I am not a violent person either, but really like the stories by Howard. I have noticed this with others too. I think the peaceful is fascinated with violence because it is so alien to us.

Tomas Rawlings

I got mentioned in the comments show! Woo! Feel like have completed a side-quest.


Wasn’t Manly Grunting a pulp writer in the 30s and 40s? I think he turned to writing paperback porn by the early 50s....


Your mention of the Conan cartoon reminded me of the greatest fantasy-adventure Saturday morning cartoon ever: Thundarr the Barbarian. If I discovered a forbidden treasure in a lost city, I would Patreon you SOB's however much it took to get you to do a bonus episode on every single episode of Thundarr. Manimal be damned!


I've never seen Thundarr, but I've played the game. https://www.rpglibrary.org/settings/thundarr/

Ben Gilbert

Now try pronouncing “forecastle” and “gunwale”. Maybe you should watch Master and Commander (Billy Boyd plays the boatswain.)


I don't know what it is with hyenas this week, but the same day this episode came out I came across this passage in my grad school reading: "Moses, he wrote, had been prudent to forbid the children of Israel to eat the flesh of the hyaena. For the sexual habits of the hyaena left much to be desired. (From Peter Brown's The Body and Society: Men, Women and Sexual Renunciation in Early Christianity)" Turns out the history of Christianity has an even more involved interest in hyena sex than Chad thought.


So somewhat inadvertently my 10 year old daughter Bella has become a superfan of the show. She mimics your introductions along with you, and loves listening to your wives' readings especially. This podcast was her introduction to the unspeakable horrors we all share and enjoy. I let her listen to a carefully curated selection of course. "King of the Cats" was a fun favorite, whereas I declined to include Poe's "The Black Cat" in her animal-themed playlist. Just a thought for a Bonus Episode, why not do one weird fiction story especially for kids?


The Killdozer guy was here in Colorado up in Grand Lake in the mountains, he made his bulldozer so strong he was unstoppable until he killed himself.