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This month, we're reading some surreal stories from Pu Songling's Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio. Like - actually just reading them out loud. Take a break and tune in!


Jason Thompson

These were astounding!! Do this anytime! Strange Tales is the new Manimal!


I love this


This was my favorite episode in a while. I enjoy your readings; but some of Pu Songling's stories are perfectly suited for a dry, laconic delivery, such as from Steven Wright or Tom Waits. The title of Dr Five Hides made me think, "Huh, that sounds like Dr Phibes!" By the time said thought had occurred to me, the story was over.


I miss the Manimal, but I'd love more Pu.... just not eating it. Thanks🤘

Jeppe Mulich

Lovely! Pu Songling is great, and I enjoyed the readings quite a bit (as expected, you managed to sneak the dog story in there). These stories are very well suited for the format. Lafcadio Hearn's classic collection of Japanese weird stories, Kwaidan (怪談), might make for similarly interesting reading/discussion.


It certainly was.


Thanks for all the readings, Chris and Chad. Listening to all of these back-to-back made me realize that Pu Songling didn’t meet a head trauma too gory to pass up in a tale.


These are hilarious.


These are a perfect alternative to ghost stories when sitting around a campfire. Assuming there aren’t any kids or fox spirits present.


Mmm....that head cutting joke sure seemed similar to a certain scene near the end of the first part of Kill Bill. Pu was ahead of his time.


I found this book many, many years ago when I was but a wee bastard. Some of the stories have stayed with me for decades. Your readings brought more back. Thanks!


This is such a funny coincidence. We're covering Chinese Ghosts on MonsterTalk for "Chinese ghost month" and have a scholar who explained these stories to us. We recorded that in the 16th, then boom here you go reading from one of the very volumes I'd just learned about. These were great. But those foxes really keep popping up everywhere don't they?


Chad's pronounciation of higgledy piggledy threw me. it's higgle-dee, not hig-le-dee. XD


These bonus eps are becoming some of my faves


And here I was thinking of getting me a big white dog.