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Time for the three Rs - reading, riting and ROCK! It's the comments show - TURN IT UP!!



Of course the Kraken has forearms! What do you think attaches the hands to the upper arms? The 1981 Kraken had 4 of them, not sure about the most recent film, the CGI silliness made it hard to count....


On Lord of the Flies, I think the best summation of its moral was an anecdote I saw online. During a college course someone's professor proclaimed the book showed the core failings of human nature, and became rather indignant when they calmly pointed out that it only shows the failings of upper class white teenaged British boys that had been handed everything their whole lives and taught to view themselves as the center of the Universe. Tell the same tale with people that have been marginalized in the past, and it's very unlikely to play out in the same way.


Hey Chris and Chad, thanks for the great show, I’ll get Kraken on that homework assignment right away...


The Kraken definitely had four arms (four forearms, even, so I guess that makes 16). One of my best friends had the amazing toy in 1982 or so and I absolutely was jealous of all four of those arms.


"How many arms does the Kraken have?" is clearly going to be the Weird fandom's version of "Do Balrogs have wings?"


*Pushes glasses up* Uhm, akshually, after the Tolkien Estate threatened legal action, Gygax changed their names to Balors. That's also when hobbits became "halflings."


First argument that comes to mind when someone posts a bundle of sticks is ,it called Runes ,no it called Led Zeppelin 4!

Jeff C. Carter

Re: Don't tell people about what you plan to do, this was a piece of writing advice I picked up early on that was quite a revelation during those days when my friends and I would breathlessly tell each other all of our ideas and never follow through on any of them. It could even be seen as a living example of that other writing commandment: Show, don't tell. Not only do I use this trick to keep the inspiration under pressure until the project is done, but I have intentionally broken with it as a 'brain hack'. If you're trying to finish one story and your muse is violently derailing you with something shiny and new, feel free to tell your friends about the new idea. It is guaranteed to suck the air out it.


Every time I wear my blue bandana as a mask I shriek “Cobraaaaa!” like Cobra Commander in the GI Joe the movie theme. Recommended.


J.M. Barrie invented the name Wendy. And the book is an early example of novelisation of a play.


Hey guys - we live in Salisbury, where Golding taught at the local Posh school - Bishop's Wordsworth. He wrote it after a lifetime of observing schoolboys. Which is interesting when one compares LOTF to the behaviour of CERTAIN politicians for example


This was the article referenced: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2020/may/09/the-real-lord-of-the-flies-what-happened-when-six-boys-were-shipwrecked-for-15-months


Of course. I just found it interesting that Golding, from his experience of teaching posh boys, expected foul violence and competition etc, yet actually people don't naturally compete, they cooperate


And I think that the win/lose paradigm enshrined in public school and Anglo-Saxon politics, Capitalism and the patriarchy fundamentally misrepresents and perverts the common impulses of humankind.

Jason Thompson

I’d like to be this optimistic, but I detected a certain lack of self-awareness in the online response to this article, which basically was “Take THAT William Golding! You garbage person! Humanity is basically good you piece of shit!”


Just feel forced by pedantry to jump in about about the bundle of sticks representing fascists. There is a very genuine connection, but this interpretation is actually backwards. The term fascist originates, via modern Italian, from the Latin "fasces", which were the bundles of sticks tied together, commonly with an axe in the central position with its head exposed, which symbolised the power of the magistrates in ancient Rome. Thus the sticks gave the name to the movement, rather than the movement being associated with the sticks.


Thank you for the pedanting Duncan. I was just pushing up my Urkel glassess before writing the same.


The bundle of sticks comes from the Romans: roman fasces. Mussolini resurrected the old Roman symbolism but it's been present everywhere and at all times and is no more fascist than it is French when present in their own heraldry. Post sticks to your hearts content.


I meant to post on the Matter of Fact show but I was surprised you didn't reference The Damned Thing as isn't the frame for that story a journalist telling a 'true' story that they are going to sell as a fiction? I also thought of that story when Chad was talking in another episode about how weird fiction writers are always depicted as impossibly good - too good for their own good in fact - remembering the 'I sometimes write stories.", "I sometimes read them.", "Thank you.", "Stories in general—not yours." exchange. Bierce's journalist is the mediocre weird fiction writer who has to cover local town hall meetings that you are looking for!


Research on the intelligence of crows provides some very interesting reads as well as highly entertaining videos on YouTube. I think it can all be summarized nicely in this brief article from the most trusted and accurate news source of 2020: https://www.theonion.com/researchers-find-crows-smart-enough-not-to-let-on-how-s-1844081510


Guys, I’m sure y’all have been asked this before, but will you ever do a Comments Show on the comments about a Comments Show?


They did one once, it split reality which is why they only have ~500 episodes rather than the normal ~1000. It's also why Trump won the presidency in 2016 rather than Tom Hanks, and why "Free Ice Cream & Chicken Wing Day" was replaced with COVID-19. Please do not encourage them to try this agian.


Not to make things political but would it add some much needed comedic relief to 2020 if everyone across the nation wore Trump masks and terrorized crows?