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As a high school teacher, the bee in the classroom comment resonated with me. I'm an admitted coward and end up dodging and weaving whenever a wasp flies into my classroom. Re Guns, Germs and Steel- it's a great read but from what I've heard a lot of anthropologists tend to feel it tends overstate its points.


Hi Chris and Chad, it was good to hear both of you wrestle with your own past transphobia. As Danielle said, nobody is perfect; all of us harbor deep seated prejudices and problematic ideas that it takes a lot of work to undo. Speaking for myself, I have years of internalized transphobia, racism, and misogyny that I’m working on. We all just need to have the will to listen and to educate ourselves. Hearing Danielle’s comment made me ashamed that I didn’t comment on the original show because the story upset me as well and I should have spoken up about it. One thing that Chad touched on was that it doesn’t matter what someone’s intent was but what the effect of their actions was. Apologies are only useless if they are not followed by changed behavior. It sounds like you are determined to do better which is good because you guys are lucky to have Danielle as a patron. She makes some of the most insightful comments on your shows and it would be a great shame if she didn’t stick around. Also fuck JK Rowling


I wanted to comment on the other comment about Lavinia in A Color Out Of Space. I believe the opposite, it felt to me like her Necronomicon Ritual did protect her. I mean she was up locked with her mom/brother creature for how long? The creature was clearly wanting to feed but for some reason it didn’t? And then when she was at the well, it seemed more likely the color Enveloped her rather than destroyed her which is why she was able to show him the world in which the color may have come from. And then when the color was leaving she was just transported with it, still protected. As we know her name is the name of the character that gives birth to the sons of Yog Sothoth in Dunwich Horror.... which is the next movie in the trilogy they are making. Recurring character maybe?


Guns, Germs and Steel is well worth reading. It raises a lot of interesting ideas and has inspired a lot of great work picking apart some of the details.


Thanks for your kind words, guys - I love you too! Chad, all my best wishes to your sister for continued good health. And don't worry, I work in IT Risk & Security so I'm very used to bringing the room down. ;)


I'm not sure I'll be able to think as Chad except as the Man who Masturbates an Age-Appropriate Amount.


Thanks for the shout out. I could only wish my time at sea was so interesting but all I can say to my credit was cleaning sand blown in from 80+ miles away from land and a tired owl who took refuge in the wheelhouse looking as confused as he was wise as the officer of the deck takes a selfie before going on his way.


Agreed! Danielle is one of my favorite commenters. Also, I didn't recognize that aspect of the story as a problem until she pointed it out, so I clearly have some work to do myself and I'm grateful that she spoke up.

Jason Thompson

About Alison’s comment... I think *occasionally* Lovecraft does have a “moral” in his horror, usually the moral of “hubris.” In “The Other Gods” and “Hypnos” the protagonist tries to gain super knowledge-slash-power and gets slapped down... in “The Rats in the Walls” the protagonist tries to glorify his family tree and gets slapped down.... etc. Though it’s true this is mostly in his earlier, more emotional stories, and in his later it’s mostly the “cosmic indifference” he’s famous for.


You guys didn’t bring it up in THIS episode, but when I was listening to your episode, “Girl With the Hungry Eyes,” you again referenced the song “Vienna”. The first episode you talked about it was before I started listening, but you mentioned the line, “It means nothing to me, Oh Vienna.” Which cracked me up then, and cracked me up again recently, because in German, “Das mis ir worst,” (if i remember correctly), translates to “this means nothing to me,” but literally means, “this is sausage to me.” So that line, and then Vienna sausages existing just made me giggle, even though it really doesn’t for anyone else. The correlation of seemingly unrelated contents truly is a gateway to madness.


To be fair, if there's one "moral" that does fly in an indifferent Cosmos, it's just how much egotism can blind you to the fact that your life *is* a trifling thing, easily brought to ruin, causing you to make some bad decisions.


Danielle, I certainly hope you stay, as I do love your insights. We’re all learning about everything and as much of a cynic as I am I believe it can’t help but to lead us to learning to be better.


Hey guys just wanted to say that hearing you read my comment totally made my day! It was super surreal hearing you say my name, it actually caused me to snap my head up from what I was writing and look at my speaker in disbelief. I didn’t realize you guys had talked about the Night Man/ Manimal crossover, so sorry I was relaying old news, but if guys ever want to talk night man, I’ll be right here.


Did Manimal and Automan ever have a crossover? Do you remember Automan (a quasi TRON ripoff) with Dezi Arnaz Jr?