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We're hitting the beach with Henry Kuttner's mythos story The Invaders! Presented exclusively in Crank-O-Vision!

Our reader is the incredible Greig Johnson!

We're back next week with another bonus episode on Manimal as well as Rudyard Kipling's A Matter of Fact!



For anyone who wants to read along, I found it on the Kindle store in a collection called "Tales from the Lovecraft Mythos" for $2.99. Comes with a bunch of other stories including "To Arkham and the Stars"


Alright, I tried to save gene by spelling it "jean" in my mind and pronouncing it like jean valjean, but the second you guys said Gene Simmons. I knew Gene was stuck with a suburban dad name.


Thanks @Drix! I'd searched the web and hadn't found it.


Blast, when you revisited Kuttner I was hoping for "The Salem Horror." Well, on this (inferior) tale at least, I do have something to say. When I read it years ago I was struck by something, promptly forgot it, and was struck by it again during this episode: this is just a shitty version of "The Hounds of Tindalos." Weird fiction author uses an occult drug to plunge through the memories of his ancestors, only to draw the baleful attention of alien monsters? That's "The Hounds of Tindalos." The only thing this tale has that Long's didn't, lest I misremember, is that Kuttner at least gives an exact source for the drug's formula. While I don't know that Kuttner intended it to be Liao, these two tales are both Mythos, so having *two* time drugs would be needlessly redundant. Remember the law of parsimony: do not multiply entities beyond necessity.


Cranky old man Chad sounds a lot like the guy who had a one night stand with a swamp witch a while back.

Jason Thompson

CHASE! The long-awaited Chris/Chad fusion!!! I hope this isn’t his last appearance!!

Jason Thompson

The other best thing about this episode is how Chris’s voice cracks, as he says “writhing, glossy tentacles”


Weird. I feel relatively sure a guy I knew in high school wrote this. Or may as well have. This was a disappointment.


If Chad is tired of reading about super successful fictional authors he might like to check out Ed Reardon's Week, (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_Reardon%27s_Week), put out in the UK by the BBC but probably available on iTunes. Ed is an author who is definitely at the other end of the writing spectrum. Dry and funny humour.


luminist.org has the Strange Stories Feb 1939 issue with this story in it, under the alias Keith Hammond - direct link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qd2lDgg5VTH1HCKydSp5a2ZlcRjIebi_/view


Chad’s comment about people who tell you about something they’re going to do but then they never do it is actually a well-known psychological effect. Simply telling someone your idea releases the same hormones as if you had already done it, so once you’ve gotten that “hit”, the drive to follow through diminishes. Here’s a TED Talk about it if anyone is interested: https://www.ted.com/talks/derek_sivers_keep_your_goals_to_yourself/transcript?language=en


Though I haven’t read the story, the plot summary alone had me saying, “This sounds a lot like The Hounds of Tindalos.”

Jeremy Impson

I think imagining the protagonist is Gene Simmons made this story at least 10% better.


You know, after the 9-5 grind I like to unwind with the souls of Flemish sorcerers, and it just tastes so much better from Mcdonald's. They must add more eldritch sweetener or something.


On the subject of protagonists with boring names, I have a rule that any REH story featuring a hero named Steve is not going to be good. Though thewly might have me eating my words.


Little known fact: If you take a handful of Flintstone gummy vitamins they have the same affect as the mysterious time travel drugs referenced in this story. You also gain the ability to pee lasers.


Jean?! Jean's here? I LOVE JEAN!


Cranky Old Man isn’t a time stamp guys!I know you want to keep your podcast evergreen and seldom make references to real world events,but by Cthulhu we are living in Lovecraft’s dreamworld now,a nightmare to others I suppose.I can only assume this was made post Santa Monica riots ,how about a “date this was made hashtag “.One day a short time after LA gets it’s Ænima all we are getting from Chad is a casual reference to his “beautiful view of Arizona Bay “ that suddenly appeared to the South.


Re: June Gloom. If anyone is a fan of David Lynch and isn't aware that he started a YouTube channel and is doing a daily weather report, that's a thing you should check out. I don't know why I enjoy a 30 second weather report from half a continent away so much, but there you go. And there's been a noticeable uptick in grey cloudy mornings before that golden sunshine comes through. Have a Great Day Everyone.


maybe I'm cranky too, but I liked Cranky old man Chad. He was pretty fun.


This story felt more like a piece of fan fiction than anything else which I guess is a label you could put on any non-Lovecraft mythos story. This felt like he had a different story in mind and the he inserted some mythos stuff for the sake of it, like those one of those movie sequels that are originally written as a stand alone film then get reworked after the fact to turn them into a "sequel".


That's really interesting, it's certainly something I've noticed in small towns in Ireland. There are always a few guys who have big plans to emigrate to where ever once they've saved up enough cash. Maybe next summer? But they've been saying that since they finished school.


After listening to this podcast all day every day at work since the beginning of February, I have to say the real horror is BEING COMPLETELY CAUGHT UP ON EPISODES. I even upped my subscription to get more bonus content. Great job guys, and I can’t wait to hear the next one! On to Voluminous!


I'm right there with you. I usually find myself enjoying the episodes even more when they don't like a story.


It was no “Graveyard Rats.” Or even Boomtown Rats.


I'm glad to meet someone who shares my annoyance with the Incredibly Successful Author Stand-In. That's one of my major issues with the 2003 Nancy Meyers rom-com SOMETHING'S GOTTA GIVE, where Diane Keaton's character writes a play based on the events she's living through (i.e., the movie we're watching) and it's an immediate smash hit on Broadway. My other gripe is that Jack Nicholson's character is not devolved into a puddle of black goo, thus leaving the field clear for Keanu Reeves to sweep Diane Keaton off her feet. Anyway, a search for "Kuttner The Invaders" on archive.org yields a scan of the issue of STRANGE STORIES the tale first appeared in, which also contains works from Robert Bloch, Manly Wade Wellman, and another Kuttner joint titled "The Frog"!