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The Cheese and The Worms

Thrilled you guys are covering sticks, I’ll save my opinions on it until the show comes out, but rest assured I have some strong thoughts...


In a better world, we'd have a Witch House movie by now, a bit like Wayne's World but where This American Life keeps trying to steal Andrew Leman away from you.


You might want to do “Turn of the Screw” soon. Season 2 of “Haunting of Hill House” is going to be based on that!


Please revisit your Lovecraft eps again, this month flew by too fast!


King Of The Sexual Perverts? There can only be one......HENTAI KAMEN!!!!!


I lost it at Chris's rendition of the Rain in Spain. Looking forward to his adaptation of that classic!


Is the city Saggoth Lord refers to is Santa Monica,that is Chadtown I think.We need a Go FundMe to raise a trillion dollars so the Government of California will set Chad free


"Laying around in the backyard getting some sun" Cries in apartment dweller


Not to be confused with the porn parody "Screw of the Turn", where a young governess is haunted by the sexually charged ghosts of her predecessor and her predecessors lover. Hang on, that's the plot of the actual novel.


Being a city bender would be akin to being a one-man construction crew. Just slam the ground and there’s an apartment building! Slam right next to it and the office built up. Charge rent, profit.


I still love sleeping 12 hours a day, and I’m feeling the need for it more and more with an energetic 8 month old. Little Vampire.


I too am excited that Sticks is next for coverage. Will be good to get a story by Karl Edward Wagner in. I enjoy Lovecraft, but also grew up reading stuff by folks that Wagner picked for the yearly Best Horror anthologies he edited.


Horror isn't my thing, but I am a juvenile, middle-aged man, so this works out great.


You guys jokingly mentioned butterflies being scary, but my daughter has a legitimate phobia of butterflies and moths. So there is at least one person in the world that is actually scared of butterflies.


Oh geez I could not stop laughing at the title. Thanks for the comic relief


If anybody ever says I have no pun restraint, I will point you now to the moth joke I am not making.


My paintball team captain shared that fear, so we occasionally would take a break from playing while he panicked about a moth.


I thought I was depressed when I was a teenager. Then I continued being depressed for another 20 years...


he's only a part time Texan (and I'm not sure how angry he is), and as far as I know still alive, but Moorcock should have some appropriate bits in his body of work.


Anyone who says butterflies aren’t horrifying hasn’t read about what happens to them while cocooned. The caterpillar liquifies and reforms into a butterfly. Tests have been done that show that the butterflies even have memories that survive the process. Now that’s lovecraftian!


I bought one of those "Butterfly Nurseries" for my daughters so they could watch some caterpillars hatch. It always looks nifty on TV shows, all sped up - colorful, pristine. It was a g*dammed HORROR SHOW. Red liquid everwhere, a gore-fest. Ichor, cocoon casing bits ripped open. They freaked out a bit. (They were 6, IIRC.) My wife asked me later: Was there some lesson to all of this? Yes. Life is a grotesque mess and all beauty is forged in horror.


Is crossdressing only limited to trans people?