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We're talking the talk 'bout March is for Draculas - and you have been invited in!



What’s the outro music on this one? I like it!


Y'know, much as I appreciate the need to keep the episodes concise, clean, and snappy, it's a shame your advertising tirades didn't make it in. It can be very entertaining to see someone tackle a subject they're passionate about, especially when they don't plan it and it just comes flowing out as a tangent because they care strongly. Y'know, I'd be tempted to up my monthly patronage if it gave me access to "HPPodcraft: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut" each week. Then again, I already listen to a weekly podcast that averages four to five hours. Maybe I can just handle a bigger length than most people. ...Okay, the innuendos are stopping now.


Now I feel like I was fishing for compliments instead of just being a jerk. Oh well, when in Arkham....


Also, +1 approval on the closing music.


Also, "Draculae?" "Draculi?" Those are both wrong! The correct plural is "Draculodes!"


Good commentary,as far as watching the news and media in general I am a big proponent of detachment.Only a handful of people control the narrative and the best thing about podcasting and YouTube bloggers is you get independent points of view.You are far better off reading books and novels,the lost art of self guided learning is sadly disappointing.As to the future,I never been more excited for the new Aeon of Lovecraft to begin.The great economic leveling and the cremation of care of outside groups problems is so long overdue in the West.Soon “Not my Circus ,Not my Monkeys “ shall replace our current motto, which is Apocalypse Now.


Any time you want to thank me for my patronage, merly say: Praise Nyarlathotep!


Fine. "Dracdraft" is better than the song I was going to point out, "Love Drac" by the B+52s.

Patrick Tillett

I think the key to the dracula puns is timing, don't try and force it or you might suffer from "Premature E-Draculation"




I always "Drac Off" a bit before big social events to ease any pre-Drac jitters. But sometimes I feel that others can tell....

Rick Hound

The ancient race isn’t really fanfic but the Evangelion franchise is focused on a certain level of timelines. One of the films gave mention to them but I think it’s more ambiguous with the main show. So yeah timelines and all that


Sounds like I should have used the name, "Lord Butt-ron" in order to stand out more. Or else a more Dracula-esque name, though I'm afraid any puns would PALE in comparison to one from Mr. Stinton. But alas... Also, it's good to hear about Alan Sherman again. Been listening to him for years.


All I can say is, from the bottom of my torn and mangled heart, THANK you for not using "Lord Butt-ron."


This is just getting redraculous

Devin Trim

So a bit of a nerd here, but I listen to this show so frequently that it’s often just on in my house as background noise. And the episode you guys did on Robert E Howard’s “Dig Me No Grave” happened to be playing today while I was lifting weights. Chad’s tagline of Thuly as “Summertime fun with an angry Texan” had me laughing out loud. I don’t know what you gentlemen have planned for the entirety of the summer, but perhaps you could work an angry Texan in there somewhere. Actually you know what, bonus points if it’s *not* Robert E Howard. Because we desperately need more diversity among our angry Texans, damn it.


Frankly I think the whole joke should have been redracted.


You know Chad Fifer is an anagram of Drac H. Fife. Coincidence?


And Chris Lackey is an anagram of Charley Sick. The clot thickens!


I started listening to this podcast at the beginning, I don't remember how I found it because I am not a fan of horror. I found a lot of podcasts back then, but this is the only one that I have listened to in its entirety. I just caught up today after 5 years of not being able to listen. Last week I watched all of the episodes of the show "100 Years of Horror" hosted by Christopher Lee. It was interesting. Definitely did not cover the origins of the "blah, blah" or "blood, blood" saying. Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for 10 years of expanding my mind!


Speaking of 'cages', someone needs to pitch Dracdraft to Nic Cage, smart money says he'd be down.


Chad, you used to shelve books, that must have been uncomfortable. Talk about going the extra mile for work...respect!