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We're talkin' gazpacho, bidets, seeds and so much more on this month's comments show!



...That Mariah Carrey thing is a joke, right? Also, I always read "ennui" as "EHN-ooh-AYE," and thought it was a different word entirely from this "AHN-wee" thing I'd rarely hear people say.


Also on place names, I was born and raised in Hartselle, AL, and out-of-towners would always say "Harts-VILLE."


Well, you say Steve fine, so I'll lay off the whining now. I had no idea how we're supposed to say reveille in the UK, re-VAL-ee, go figure.


Awww... I liked the leech episode. And as to boatswain, I remembered a comedian from years ago with a bit about how, taking about he was in the Navy, he was mispronouncing it, the person correcting him emphasizing "boat SAN boat SAN", then asking him where he was stationed - the Atlantic O-SWAIN.


One of my pet peeves is the renaming of Psychiatric Hospitals to Mental Hospitals/Institutions, I believe this can about when the theory that .psychological problems were all becoming just chemical problems in the brain .The Psyche was was replaced with Mental as something that could be fixed with medical means etc. and not a look in memory and thoughts.This spins back to deep seated vs. deep seeded ,I ,I always knew it was deep seated but hearing Chris and Chad think it was deep seeded makes perfect sense and I think that is a better term.


I definitely need one of those prints! 👏🏻


That little spoon dug a deep hole.


We have a local family whose family name is spelled Poitras, but pronounced Petrov or Petroff.


Before that they were Asylums, a word which now has an entirely different connotation.


3113 nice palindrome on your time code this week 😉👍


We also have a Milan here in Detroit (well outside Detroit). There is a dragstrip there. http://milandragway.com/ Everyone here also pronounces it "My-lun", just like in the Quad Cities.


Thanks guys, I've been listening to the gummi bear theme song on repeat for the past ten minutes. That, the Ducktales theme and the Mentos commercial song are truly masterful pieces. The "deep seeded" thing is interesting but makes sense given your accents where seeded/seated are essentially homophones.


So I’ve watched all of the episodes up until this point, and I have this void in my heart now. Your show is amazing, and so are you two. Keep up the great work Chris and Chad

Ben Gilbert

We have a Cairo in Georgia that’s pronounced CAY-RO also. And there’s a Huger Street in Columbia SC that’s pronounced You-Gee Street. I think it’s the fault of those darn Hugenauts. :)


"Deep seeded" vs. "-seated" is an example of one of my favorite phenomena, the "eggcorn," a misheard word or expression that still makes some kind of sense in its "wrong" form. Reading "doggy-dog world" in a student essay back in the early 90s was depressing, but it opened my eyes to a whole new world of delightful error and confusion. Google the Eggcorn Database online for a time-wasting good time.


Yeah, I don't think it's that being from the Midwest puts one more in touch with the images and rhythms of agriculture; it's just that we Midwesterners often say "d" and "t" more or less the same when it shows up in the middle of a word like that.


That reminds me of SOHO in New York. My old Marvel Superheroes RPG sourcebook on Manhattan says that SOHO stands for "South of Houston Street", and that "Houston" is not pronounced like the city in Texas. Rather it is pronounced "House-Ton". Of course I am not from New York, so I could be wrong. But would a Marvel sourcebook from the 80s steer me wrong?


This is unrelated to the episode, and probably already familiar to many of you, but I just finished reading King’s ‘It’ for the first time, and King sneaks in a quick little throwaway reference to a man named Pickman who was known for making ‘weird paintings.’

Darth Pseudonym

On a ship, the word 'forecastle' is pronounced (and sometimes written) "fo'c'sle". Fox-ull.


Hey Guys, Another great comments show! More on misheard or misunderstood sayings: I used to think that it was “make end’s meat” (you know, like gotta get that meat by the end of the…week?) and “down to brass tax” (not sure why we only taxed brass!). Also, on Chad’s pet peeve of “should of,” I teach freshman composition at an unnamed university, and the teachers have a lot of fun with similar, albeit humorous slips. “Should of” is by far the most common, but I often find that my students “take things for granite.” My favorite, by far, is a one-off that a co-worker of mine had where a student drank themselves to Bolivia (as opposed to “into oblivion”)—man, that’s a lot of drinking… Thanks again Chris and Chad!


Popped back here to check out new comments and misread the episode description: "We're talkin' gazpacho bidets..." For a second, I tried to remember the "gazpacho bidets" part. Fortunately, there was no such thing.


VERY interested in a 10th anniversary poster! Shut up and take my money.


I'm with Chad about deliberately-made B movies; I never enjoy them in the same way as one where the filmmakers were legit trying to make a good movie. It's the reason I never quite warmed to (e.g.) KILLER KLOWNS FROM OUTER SPACE, though it was certainly fun.


Regarding deep-seated misapprehensions: many years ago when I was a kid I read a YA novel, probably by Judy Blume, that featured a character called "Schizo Susie". That name meant nothing to me at the time and it wasn't until years later I realized I'd been hearing it in my head wrong all along, and that is was short for "schizophrenic". As a kid I assumed it should be pronounced "shy-zo".


Chainsaw and Dave!!! I watched Summer School so many times when I was young, years before I went to school for SFX makeup. When we were asked to write an essay on a makeup artist, I briefly considered copying their essay about Rick Baker. I will admit to being in love with Chainsaw, and I was also very jealous of Dave' room. I will always have a place in my heart for this film.


Also, the word hyperbole. Why did it take me this many years to link the written and spoken word?


Would it be off brand for you guys to review new good movies? I was thinking along the lines of supernatural and sci-fi horror. Specifically Annihilation, Hereditary, Us, the Babadook, Midsommar, the Lighthouse, Get Out, the Witch, etc. I feel like there’s some potentially great bonus content there. PS Chad, out of curiosity, what instrument did you play in marching band? I marched with clarinet and even played oboe with my marching band in high school. I’m curious if you found the experience as traumatic and frustrating as I did.


Rick and Morty episode where Morty acquires a massively muscled arm that loves to kill people.