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We're winding up the year with some discussion of Poevember. Tune in and have a safe NYE!





Speaking of Poe, have either of you ever read The Exiles by Bradbury? It involves Poe and other genre authors, and I remember it making an impact on me upon my initial reading. Great show!


I have no idea what I'm talking about (but that's never stopped me before), but the desirable traits of both consumption and heroin chic are the same: thinness and pale skin. While it's true that many of the things considered attractive in humans are indications of good health, health isn't the only thing we look for in a mate - another major factor is social status. While it hasn't always been this way, thinness (or delicacy) and pale skin has been a status marker in women for a few hundred years. It's the reason for corsets, for parasols and for swallowing tapeworms. There's a racial/colonial aspect to the pale skin thing, but it also indicated a woman who didn't need to spend time working in the sun. Both heroin addiction and TB happened to cause traits that overlapped with these markers of status. At least, in some cases, since of the addicts I have known, most could not be called chic - or at least not for long. I think the romanticization of those conditions followed from their physical effects, since there are lots of addictions and deadly diseases and you don't really see the same level of romanticization with meth addicts or victims of the bubonic plague (for example).


I once saw a spinning wheel for sale at Goodwill. I wondered what would happen if I were to spin the wheel and then jam something in between the spokes and the arms supporting the wheel. Unfortunately that "something" turned out to be my index finger, as I found out a moment later. Luckily I didn't break anything or need stitches, but I did bleed, a lot, and must have looked like a maniac suddenly yelling profanity as I staggered out. Whoever bought that spinning wheel probably bought some of my DNA along with it.


The Poe film with Vincent Price and Peter Lorre where they get in a wine tasting contest is Tales of Terror (1962). It's very tongue-in-cheek and combines The Black Cat and The Case of Amontillado. The faces Vincent Price makes tasting wine and reacting to Lorre's character are priceless. I watched a couple episodes of The Hilarious House of Frightenstein. I would have really loved this as kid. However, the show doesn't age well. Each episode is an hour long and really should have been half that length.


Speaking of crossovers i need in my life, hint hint, Hilarious House of Frankenstein was reviewed by the Post Atomic Horror podcast. They're a podcast that has reviewed all of Star Trek (movies and TV) as well as a bunch of genre shows during the 30-some-odd week gap since the end of Discovery. You may want to give their episode on it a listen before watching it.


The Black Cat creeped my out as a child, and yep, it still elicits much discomfort deep into adulthood. The escalation from hurting animals to hurting humans is chilling, and after learning about how serial killers, etc., follow similar developments, utterly realistic.


Winding up the year and the decade,and none of this but a decade is 1-10 nonsense it’s 2020!New vision and Old Gods return in horrific and beautiful ways.Once again a bunch of over educated dolts will consume the fruits of their hopeless labors.The failure to recast the World into a Monistic ball of clay will lead to the Return of Cthulhuic Dualism with probably the most Lovecraftian decade lies ahead.Hail the coming new Age of Dark Enlightenment,Death of Boomerism -Rise of Zoomerism!


I know it’s been recommended before, but I’d like to hear an episode on An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge. I’d forgotten how good this story was until I heard a radio version with Vincent Price. Maybe Lying Vincent Price could make an appearance in the episode?


Didn't they cover that on an Ambrose Bierce month years back?


I think you might be on to something, because there was an ongoing obsession with "otherness" in the 19th century. Therefore, the strangeness and proximity to death might have been part of the draw.


They should do a mashup episode of Poe meets Bradbury with The Exiles and Usher II.


Have you guys ever considered covering any Vonnegut? While most of his work isn’t necessarily Lovecraftian, it would fit in with the more Sci-Fi based works you have covered in recent years. Some of his short stories (The Barnhouse Effect, The Euphio Question, Unready to Wear,etc.) would be great for one-off episodes. But, a Vonnegut novel would make for great content as well. While Slaughterhouse Five and Cat’s Cradle are his most famous, I think Sirens of Titan would be the best to cover. Not only does it have Vonnegut’s signature humour and deep philosophical themes, but it is also great Science Fiction. I’ve heard you guys mention Vonnegut many times on the show and I think it’s about time you actually cover some of his work.


So, no hundred year sleeps for you, huh? (Sleeping Beauty reference)


So, speaking of Heroin Chic and Consumption Cuties, there is, right now, a beauty construct called E-Girls. It's an iteration of Yami-Kawaii ( Yah-me Kah-WAH-ee) which is an offshoot of Yame Kawaii (Yah-may Kah-WAH-e) with a touch of emo. Yame means dreamy, Yami means dark, emo means Hot Topic, so it's a dark cute fashion. The emo content may vary. Yami-Kawaii is soft. fluffy, and youthful cuteness with sharp, pink scalpels hidden in its kawute wittle hands. I think of it as a "hidden in plain sight" rebellion regarding some particularly pernicious societal problems in Japan (like the ignored suicide rate, the stigma against acknowledging and getting treatment for mental illness and, how lil' girl submissive cute is fetishized, among others) led by fashionistas and designers. Red skin around your eyes (from rubbing watery eyes), a pink, shiny nose from the sniffles or, you. for some reason, need a children's bandage artfully arranged across the bridge of your nose or an eye patch...you know, for SOME reason. Pics: http://www.japanesestreets.com/photoblog/3044/harajuku-tokyo-amu https://izismile.com/2014/04/24/bizarre_fashion_trends_of_the_japanese_youth_39_pics-3.html Jenna Marbles video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYowCBOR2SI Snow Bunny's video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEyWXgjgYGc Bottom line, pretty girls are pretty. Pale, medium, dark, there's a lot of leeway possible to your style if you are considered attractive. Your choices and access to power, however, is/can be a function of culture. Eve vs Lilith.


I love Corman's comedy "The Raven" with Vincent Price, Boris Karloff and Peter Lorre all having a grand old time. Dr. Erasmus Craven (Price): "Will I ever see my sweet Lenore?" Raven (Lorre): "Well how should I know? Plus, (echo effect) "WIZARD CHI BATTLE!!!"


He's often surreal, could Lovecraft be said to be surreal? I'm going to give this some thought. I think the end of "The Horror at Red Hook" might be.


I am humbled to be among so many thoughtful folks. In 2020, I'll aim to also be concise.


so the best version of happy hour should not be about how many rats you can fight off, but rather how many small children (deep callback...like potentially hundreds of episodes...)