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We're talking about last month's shows and all the glorious discussion! Tune in!


Lee Russell

Wow, I usually don't have time to dive into the comments section here, but the idea that an episode of this show so incensed someone that they stopped listening is insane. This is one of the most enjoyable and welcoming podcasts I've ever listened to. It's literally all about talking about cool weird fiction, and it's never pushed an agenda beyond that on the listener. I guess some people just want to read into things so they can be offended...and some people just have well-worn triggers. Keep up the great work.


Sorry you guys had to deal with some upsetting comments, but it really was helpful to listen to you two wrestle with your reactions. I, too, am the sort to take that sort of thing very personally and to second guess myself after. So I won't tell you not to feel the heck out of your feelings - by all means, do. But I'd be remiss if I did not comment on the comments on the comments that you'll are doing it right. Props. Respect. Peace.

Rick Hound

I mean in a world of insanity I figured they would have had to deal with that,but I'm just surprised it came this late. I mean sometimes they say something that I don't agree with but that's everyday life. At least these two nice individuals are respectful to the audience. Unfortunately some creators I've listened to are less like that.


I'm pretty sure Xtro isn't worth the time. Along with Inseminoid and worse, it's one of a slew of B movies which take the rape theme and run it into the ground.


Aw shucks. You guys are the best.


Do you need to police yourself Chad? No. No, you absolutely do not. I have to agree with Pan Samu that the only surprising thing about this whole incident is that it took this long to happen. If anyone is still around who took such umbrage with Chad and Chris’ discussion, I’d strongly encourage them to scroll all the way down (and back?) to the comment/discussion around HP’s sexuality or even further almost to the beginning of this podcast where his racism was discussed more than once. Strong opinions were expressed but not even a smidgen of nazi/sjw. But yeah, it’s probably more of Godwin’s Law than anything. Oh well. But once again Chad, no. No self-policing. You guys do what you do extraordinarily well. Please don’t change.


Oh and regarding what to call faints/bouts of unconsciousness, thanks for including mine, but my vote is for plot naps. I forget who wrote that.


As Chris points out, we live in a time where crime, and I would argue institutional bigotry, are lower than they have ever been. There is a group of people that see that and go, look we are done! Problem solved! And there is a group of people that look at it and say, we're going along the right path but we are not done yet. People fall on all sides of that spectrum and both are right to an extent. It will be harder and harder to fight inequality and bigotry as time goes on because the people doing those things are having to become more and more subtle. It's a weird pill to swallow with current politics in the world, but it is becoming better. That's not to say it will stay on this path and it's something we should all constantly work towards. Let's not make Prometheus abandon his creation.


It's interesting because even with all that going on, the Overton Window has been been moving further to the right. Its difficult to talk about without becoming embroiled in a long discussion but I think it's the paradox of intolerance in action.


In the early 2020s a new version of Werner Erhard will appear to specifically yell at Millennials with the adding benefit of all their boomer grandparents dropping like flies.This can’t happen soon enough,once the yell at outer world hysteria turns inward,that is then the true horror begins.


Oh, regarding the unnamed wizard Doctor Willet raised from the saltes by accident, I believe in a letter Lovecraft stated it was *Merlin.*


I only wish I had more disposable income so that I could up my pledge every time someone becomes offended by your show and drops out. Sadly, I'm not a one-percenter and have to divvy up my income among my family and our cats, who thus far have refused to take me to the moon.


Did Chad say he lives in the south US now?


I have stopped listening to things like radio shows because I just could not take the racism, or homophobia, or transphobia, or religious bigotry, etc... But in the ten years of your show (ok, I've only been listening for one year, but I did listen to all ten years worth of your episodes) I have never had any reason to consider not listening. You guys have always been remarkably respectful and thoughtful with your comments. So don't second guess or police yourselves any more than you have done for the last decade. Now if you start talking crazy political crap and claim that cats can't leap to the moon, then we might get into some shit...


Yeah, it's weird that someone would take Chad's factual comment that kids in schools are getting shot, in a way which implied that dead kids are a bad thing, as something political. I'm also not sure how anyone insulted a religion or the US constitution. Aside from the people who got upset because a work of fiction turned out to have something to say about the real world, I thought a lot of the discussion on that episode, both in the episode and in the comments, was really good. I want to chime in with everyone else saying that you're fine, you don't need to change anything, you don't need to self-police or be more careful. You just can't please everyone all the time and there are inevitably going to be people who have .... eccentric .... reactions to things. It seems like those people are a minority. I think you guys hit on something about Ripley saving the cat in Alien. I am a cat person so I always just assumed that she was saving the cat because that's what you do. But I think it's much more likely that she saved the cat because it was the only other thing left alive and the one thing she could save.




After the Invisible Man I think it may be time to do a bonus episode on the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen comic. You'll have covered the source material for all the characters that you are likely to cover on this weird fiction show. Dracula, Jekyll and Hyde, and the Invisible Man.


As a gun collector and the resident "gun nut" in my community of educators, I think the listener who canceled their subscription may have been a gun owner as well. Within that sphere, anyone speaking out against guns and/or gun ownership is cast as an aggressor seeking to restrict or remove the 2nd Amendment protections under the Constitution (hence his or her claim that you were opposing said Constitution). It is a natural and near automatic response to comments because it is seemingly everywhere. Gun owners feel as though they are cast as part of the problem despite not having anything to do with the various media accounts of violence. Certainly not defending this individual, but it feels similar to what I experience regularly within that community. Even I, an exceptionally liberal democrat, paused when Chad made the comment about shootings. It was an instinctive response. Personally, I think you guys did a tremendous job. I have recently increased my level so keep at it.


Also, on a relisten I just noticed I accidentally typed "Ridley Scott" instead of "James Cameron" when commenting on Aliens. Oh well. C'est la vie.


I would save my cat, and woe unto any monster that got in my way. If I had to choose between the world and my cat, I would watch the world burn. https://i.imgur.com/Y6mXsfT.jpg


I'm sorry you guys had to deal with a bunch of crazy people (hey, if they wanna name-call, I'm gonna name-call right the hell back, I have no restraint). You absolutely didn't say anything that stuck out as wrong to me, so don't put that on yourself.


I wanted to write something about being a gun enthusiast that also supports strong gun laws - but I feel like being a centrist is practically untenable in current times. Saying you're anywhere on a spectrum invites criticism from everywhere else on the graph line. Besides I spend most of my time dealing with being a Skeptic who loves the paranormal. I apparently don't know where to build my cabin to settle down peacefully on the Internet.


I will jump on the bandwagon of folks urging Chad not to change how he presents this podcast; it's regrettable that some people feel the need to take offense at even the most carefully-phrased observation. I've noticed the people who complain that "everyone is so offended these days" are often the first ones to pipe up and complain when THEIR particular buttons are pushed. There's a lot of controversy surrounding HPL and related works, and I think that Chad and Chris are very good at steering a safe course through all the potential obstacles. Keep up the good work, guys.


I would just like to echo the sentiments above. You both do a wonderful job and absolutely do not need to change the way you present the show. And Chad I’m with you - I love my cat too but she’s on her own if there’s a xenomorph in the house. I think she’d hold her own anyway. She only has three legs (on account of fighting with cars) but that cat’s got some sass! Thanks for everything guys.


You just gotta ask the cats really nicely when they're in a good mood.


Oh, by the way, while The Sociopath Next Door is certainly an interesting read, it's woefully out of date. I'm not a professional, of course, so do take this with a grain of salt, but from what I understand these days there is no condition called "sociopathy" or "psychopathy." Instead, there's Antisocial Personality Disorder, which is considered a sort of spectrum disorder--one can be farther or nearer on the spectrum. Unless I'm gravely mistaken, the stereotypical sociopath in fiction would be someone quite far along the spectrum--by no means a typical example. Another thing to note, which is also just a good distinction to bear in mind in general, is that empathy and sympathy aren't the same thing. Empathy is an automatic emotional response; you see someone in distress, and you're distressed. Sympathy is an abstract, ethical response; you see someone in distress, and you know that is unpleasant for them so it would thus be the logically right thing to help them. There can be terrible people with strong empathy responses, like narcissists that unconsciously use their strong emotional reactions and concern to make themselves the centerpiece in someone else's misfortune. By the same token, there can be people who find it legitimately difficult to empathize with others who still concern themselves a lot about being a decent person simply because it's right. Again, though, it may be best to do your own research on the subject, instead of trusting the words of some jackoff of the internet.


The music at the end is so cool! I assume it's another Fifer creation. Can't wait for the third installment on bandcamp. And another echo to please keep doing what you're doing, including potentially inflammatory stories like Screwfly!


Chad, I've been called a real prick before, but this is the first time that I've been accused of being an actual porcupine!


I live in the South and take great delight in the phrase “bless your heart” because it is so sweetly condescending. Perfect response to mansplaining.


Xtro is actually a really good horror film. Harry, the director, is super funny to boot. He relates seeing a news story about an apprehended killer which showed an Xtro VHS in the killer's collection, and that was apparently a proud moment for him.


Furthermore, in one of those graphic novels, Nemo's daughter travels to the Mountains of Madness.


My grandma was more of the straight talking southern woman type (but still in that behind shades/throwing shade style). When confronted by anyone saying anything she considered dumb, she'd retort, "It's a good thing God gives out breathing for free, ain't it."


I have a question. In case of alien invasion, you would not return for a cat. Fair enough. But would you come back fir a dog? Not a hunting dog or guard dog, just any dog?


If I’ve learned anything from Hollywood, it’s that the dog ALWAYS gets away. Those nice people in Hollywood wouldn’t lie to us, right?

Ben Gilbert

It’s August and Chad is in the South. I think “August Heat” by William Fryer Harvey would be a timely story. Harvey is best known for The Beast with Five Fingers. https://ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/h/harvey/wf/august-heat/


Don’t ever go changing fellas, please consider “the street of crocodiles” by Bruno Schulz love you guys


At this moment in a emergency room somewhere in America a person is having some hideous object removed from their intestinal cavity stated “I fell on this after showering “ ,it’s objectively true but we probably shouldn’t talk about it.


“Withdrawing in disgust is not the same as apathy “ from a tarot card in the film Slackers ,the Trump card lol.


So many time I find someone lecturing me about a subject and I cannot remember what I said to bring it up. I figure that it wasn't anything I said but was just on that person's mind when I started talking to them. If I try changing the subject they'll say that I brought it up. It amazes me the lack of self-awareness a person can have between what's in their head and what's part of an interaction with someone else. I say this knowing that I've been guilty of it myself in the past, and will in the future, but I try to do better.


Just be you, Chris and Chad. Love your show, your honesty, and transparency. You've earned your friends' respect and love. Keep it up.


Hey, if anyone lives near Waynesville, NC and listens to the show. We should get together and have pre-show conversations. I heart Chris and Chad matching T-shirts optional.


I think I'm going to start using his music as my fanfare upon entering a room from now on.


What?! You guys DIDN'T MENTION MY COMMENTS!? I'M....just kidding :) I want to say thank you guys for keep carrying on with what you do. Always know that you have a dedicated fan base that truly appreciates what you do. Keep on truckin'!


Oh man, I had no idea there was such a pandemonium surrounding the screwfly solution's comments. When I was listening to it I was actually surprised how careful you were to not to talk about current women's issues in conjunction with the story considering how politically charged the piece itself was. Keep doing what you are doing! You are awesome. As a content creator myself I have learnt that the best way to answer to mean comments is to not to answer them at all.


Hey guys, there were a couple of times in this comment show where Chad suggested he should be more careful about what he says on the pod, and Chris pushed back on that. I'm breaking my streak of ten years listening without commenting to say this: Chad, Chris is right! You have always, always shown good judgment in the past. Your podcast is respectful, thoughtful, and kind. You're often called upon to discuss sensitive topics, both thematically and when giving author bios, and you do so honestly and nonjudgmentally. Except for "Lair of the White Worm;" you judged the hell out of that for thirty glorious minutes and I love you for it. That story brought up themes of racism, and you have strong feelings about that. Good! We all should! "The Screwfly Solution" brought up themes of violence against women, and you have feelings about that too. Not everyone has to feel the same way -- but neither do you have to pretend you feel nothing. I don't think any of us listens to your show for just-the-facts recaps of weird fiction plots. The personal touch is what makes your show special. Please remember that you have a lot more loyal listeners who appreciate your approach than you have noisy folks in the comments who somehow believe you intended to give grave insult to their religion and national constitution. I hope you can look past those comments and keep on doing what you do!!


Do not like seeing you guys question how well you do the podcast. Remember it’s a two way street. The two of you are extremely professional and you should expect no less from your listeners. I tend to re listen to old podcasts starting back at the beginning and surprisingly I was right around bloodchild when the newer screw fly episode aired, a show in which you covered very similar topics . And yet no issues at all. You both acted extremely professional in your analysis and comparison to more modern situations. Same as you did with screw fly. No, Chad do not change a thing. Also Chris, do not apologize for not being all excited about a story that you were just not into. You two are not the champions of the weird tale. You should not need to put on a face if a story is just not what your into.


Late to the comment party as usual, but don't change a thing. I suspect that if I sat down with to discuss politics with you guys, there would probably be several areas that we disagree on. But... as a society, we seem to have forgotten that reasonable people of goodwill can disagree on something and that does not mean that anyone involved is evil or stupid. Plus... nothing you have said is political. Everyone across the spectrum needs to be a little more accommodating to their fellow human beings. A practical example is Bob Price, whom I have listened to for years. He is conservative, but I have never heard him let it interfere with his literary work or biblical scholarship, or prevent him from enjoying those topics with interested folks no matter what their stripe. We need to remember that a 1,000 (or a vigintillion) years from now, what we consider to be incredibly important political debate will be nothing more than a footnote or less in history. Don't ruin your day to day joy with unneeded conflict, sit down and read something worthwhile instead. As Bob Price often quotes, "Let a thousand flowers bloom."


Don't change a thing guys. I enjoyed the episode that caused the ruckus,


Which is to say, I found it thought provoking. I always have something to ponder after listening to the podcast. Thanks guys. Now bring on some more of that Fifer mountain folk music!!


You're doing great and your coverage of "The Screwfly Solution" was excellent. It hit close to home exactly because of the issues you brought up. Some people are evolving in the right direction and some want to live in the bad past. You guys did good.


For the tolerance of everything but intolerance, a giant kettle of fish: https://slatestarcodex.com/2014/09/30/i-can-tolerate-anything-except-the-outgroup/ Had another post here directly above this, seems to have vanished. Maybe where the other deleted posts went? Or else I accidentally said something super offensive? Regardless, if it was not done intentionally, might explain some people feeling censored.


Oh, I just remembered! Chris, I think the Paradox of Intolerance you referenced is a Karl Popper quote, recently (and rightfully) popularized on the internet by this graphic: https://images.app.goo.gl/pzp5DYmu8BqatMqAA


Hey guys. I don't usually chime in on these things, but this time I felt compelled to step in and offer my personal endorsement for how you handled things. The story was very difficult to hear, very difficult to get through, and I'm sure very difficult to read. It was also a very powerful story, very moving, and with a strong message. You handled it responsibly, with kindness and respect. You also made it palatable. Personally, I like that you give us your candid opinions. This is a journey through the wild crazy minds of the worlds weirdest author's, and we take this journey together. Let's all try to get along. Thanks guys. Keep up the wonderful weird work.


ROFL!! Don't worry, Chad and Chris! As a study witch (like Miss Tully in The Desrick on Yandro), I'm pretty familiar with Black Magic Pandora's Boxes. I've got an Appalachian monster by my side who'll make sure my heart never freezes. It's called: the Defroster.


Patreon seems to eat random posts. We have never deleted anyone's post. If someone does write something that we deem 'uncool,' we have written them in the past and told them how we felt. They chose to take it down, but we didn't. It would have to be a pretty bad post for us to just delete it, but we would if it was REALLY bad. So far, we haven't hit that point.