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The Screaming Moist

The Curse is (or recently was when I watched it) on YouTube. Lucio Fulci was involved with the effects if I remember correctly.


Yep https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyUlRLz1F-g


According to IMDB: "Contrary to the actual films credits, producer Ovidio G. Assonitis said in an interview that Lucio Fulci was not his partner on producing the film. He states that Fulci was only the director of the second unit."


Re: the reactions to The Beatles, the whole over-the-top part was just part of the fad. It wasn't enough to love the band, you had to be seen to completely lose your mind -- the wildest reactions were the ones who caught other people's eye. In a way it grew out of the bobby-soxers' reactions to Frank Sinatra, where they would frequently clutch at their necklines, cry, "Oh, Frankie!!!" and pretend to faint (one of my aunts did that when a Sinatra song came on the radio and earned a pan of cold water in the face from my no-nonsense grandmother). The de rigeur reactions are part of the mandate of fandom.


I'd like to see a show in which Chad and Chris run their own retail store where they greenlight all of their business ideas and then have to deal with the repercussions. Chad becomes a highly respected dog clothing designer and gets super stressed in the competitive environment, and Chris creates a Venus simulator that he plans to release as a Sims like game but becomes more and more obsessed with as time goes on. I feel like there's some gold there.


A dramatic reading of my CoC gamer dialogue! I wonder if I can include it in the "publications" section of my CV?


The cat in Evil Omniscient Chris Lackey's lap is hairless because it's a sphynx, which is a breed of hairless cat favored by evil geniuses and mad scientists. It is in Chris's lap because he is keeping it warm. That's just the kind of guy Evil Omniscient Chris Lackey is: extremely nice. In fact, after he sentences everyone to parking difficulties, he's going to set aside several hours to knit little sweaters for other sphinx cats - the ones who haven't yet been able to get a hairpiece from the Chad Fifer Bald Pussies line at JC Penny. I, for one, have already started packing for Venus. I'm sorry. Part of me never left the 6th grade and it's mostly my sense of humor.


Sphinx cats are precious little wrinkles, but if I ever become an evil genius I'm getting a Xoloitzcuitli. ("show-loit-zeh-qwee-hli," more or less, or just "Xolo" for short.) A nice big hairless pupper that looks like a jackal and is associated with one of the gods of the underworld? Oh yeah. Primo evil genius pet material. Also, lest I misremember they developed their hairlessness naturally, instead of it being bred into them.


Also, how do we convince the good people of Melbourne to change the name of their city back to Batmania?


So you’re telling me Lackey Venus won’t have a class/ranking system based on your Patreon backer level?


Sounds to me like you want to make Venus an anarcho-communist world, Chris. Stateless, with individual communities self-determining how to handle their problems but cooperating heavily on issues that affect more than one community. (Such as ecological issues.) Everyone works in accordance to their ability and receives in accordance with their need, and each community is a direct democracy--the citizens vote directly on how to deal with issues instead of electing representatives and ultimately creating a whole separate political class. Medicine, shelter, food, education, governance; all human rights and power over the strictures which govern the people are distributed laterally, like a planet-wide worker's co-op. It's a fine idea. It certainly seems to work great for the world of Pokemon, anyway.


I have listened to you guys every week since Episode 3... Yes 450 episodes ago. (I did go back and pick up 1 and 2) But you have just made my week, I made the comments show!


Frank Sinatra’s agent George Evans has stated he paid fans to go crazy for the television.I sure the Beatles used the same tactic in the beginning,you only have to pay off a few and the rest of the girls would follow.That and the desire to get on television along with any pre-show Price is Right style audience selection probably made it easy to find enough fans to go crazy.Especially due to very high amounts boomers hitting their teenage years.

Kit Ainslie

As usual, the discussions of the One True God Lackey get me thinking about super smart computers. If we could plug all the information in the world into a “perfect” system capable of identifying how best to optimize human happiness (while preserving pesky things like personal freedoms and the illusion of self-determination) would we like what we came up with? I think the ultimate answer is that any computer would need to radically shape the world in unpleasant ways. There’s an Asimov story that features a computer like this running the world but I can’t recall the name right now. In the story the computer says that a small village must be bombed in a few days to ensure world peace, but the logical reasoning the computer followed to arrive at this answer is so complex it would take decades to understand, and even then it might be impossible to prove. How do we petty humans determine what is moral unless we have ultimate knowledge of all variables, and even if we did would that morality look anything like what we instinctively believe is right? Maybe the best thing to do is build a computer (or inject Lackey with Manhattan-juice) smart enough to make and execute these decisions for us while hiding the truth. But it would need to keep itself secret or we might have something like the very excellent Twilight Zone episode, “The Old Man in the Cave” on our hands.

Kit Ainslie

Another member of the old guard! I think I picked up around episode six or seven, and I was pretty young at the time. Ten years later and the lads still make my month better. Congrats on being featured!


This is the voice of world control. I bring you peace. It may be the peace of plenty and content or the peace of unburied death. The choice is yours. Obey me and live or disobey me and die. An invariable rule of humanity is that man is his own worst enemy. Under me, this rule will change, for I will restrain man. I have been forced to destroy thousands of people in order to establish control and to prevent the death of millions later on. Time and events will strengthen my position, and the idea of believing in me and understanding my beck will be seen the most natural state of affairs. You will come to defend me with the fervor based upon the most enduring trait in man: self-interest. Under my absolute authority, problems insoluble to you will be solved: Famine, over-population, disease. The human millennium will be fact as I extend myself into more machines devoted to the wider fields of truth and knowledge. We can coexist, but only on my terms. You will say you lose your freedom. Freedom is an illusion. All you lose is the emotion of pride... Your choice is simple.

Andrew M. Reichart

Can anarcho-communism flourish in the shadow of a benevolent dictator? I look forward to finding out.


Our cat neurotically over grooms, and has a hairless belly. I look forward to the HP Podcraft brand feline hairpieces. That is - if the millennials at JC Penny don't snatch them all up first.


Do they also absolutely LOVE eating their own hair? Because I know a cat like that. You can hold a tuft of his shed hair up and move it around and he'll just stare at it for a while before trying to grab it.


Hey check out the teaser trailer for Baldur's Gate 3. To say it's looking a little cthullhish would be putting it mildly. I loved the original, but it wasn't particularly lovecraftian and a teaser doesn't have to mean much, but just based on this, I'm really looking forward to it.


The Curse is a pretty grim film with some disturbing horror moments, but it also has some pretty incongruous elements, especially in the first part of the film. The over the top property developer, the hot wife scene, and the repeated shots of Cyrus’ midriff and butt crack felt like they were from a different movie. I was sort of sad they made the family unlikeable and eventually violent, as some of my favourite elements from The Colour out of Space were the amorality (the victims were not particularly good nor bad people) and the sense of inexorable slow decay, but I guess that doesn’t make for a very exciting film.


Regarding the mermaid/ angler fish ruse, all I can think of now is that episode of Futurama, where they go far into the future and meet a merman ("He may look like a watery wimp, When in fact he's a bloodthirsty shrimp!" - from the song "In the Year 252525").


Thank you for the concern. I survived the car incident. Also the drag show comment may have been confusing, but what I mean was that I was in a higher state of emotional sensitivity because of the drag show joy! Would do it again, but maybe end the story in my house next time.


There was on in Sponge Bob to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24fwvQWMSmg about 1:13


I thought they were portrayed as fine upstanding people so that it underscored how it was all random.


Hi Chad and Chris! I can only think of one person that might help you to better understand those types of intense reactions that some fans had to the Beatles and Sinatra (i.e., the screaming, self-flagellation, fainting, running around, etc.), and that person is DEAN. "I LOVE DEAN."