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Lovecraft died drunk in '37-

Becoming as he believed an Angel in Heaven.

He loved Astrology and Hated Dreams-

Adored New York, Despised Ice Creams.

-August Derleth



Jan Michael Vincent died on 10 February a week before The Kill debuts,his death was announced about a month after it happened.I noticed a few departed celebrities that deaths have been announced weeks after ,I think the internet has caused people to imagine all news is released immediately about all celebrities.


Yes please to the 5 minute biweekly episodes of Lying Vincent Price and slagging on Derleth!


I realized yesterday that what I'd really like is a podcast crossover in which Chad's Lying Vincent Price meets Rachel Lackey's Bones McCoy.


Vincent Price: Darkness falls across the land The midnight hour is close at hand Creatures crawl in search of blood To terrorize y'all's neighborhood McCoy: We appeal to you in the name of civilization. Put a stop to this!


Citrus, darts, or jarts , what is the origin of corn hole. Here in Iowa we call the game of throwing Bean bags into a hole .... bags.


Poe did spend a few years in England as a child. Maybe the accent stuck.


Poe was educated in England, so totes had an English accent.


We have a weird ass pub game called Aunt Sally/ <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAe3rWeBdEM" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAe3rWeBdEM</a>


Curious, you mentioned Deadbeats. I just ordered a copy from Book Depository!


I am so sorry I missed out on the twitter flame up. Would have loved to have participated. "No, seriously. He's joking. No you're a Derleth!"


Wait, can y’all mention me on the show so I can die too?


Honestly, some of my favorite episodes have been about bad stories. It probably sucks to have to read them, but you guys always have funny and interesting things to say - often especially if the story is bad. So while the House of Sounds was a terrible piece of writing, I still enjoyed listening to the episode.

Neil de Carteret

How about a special patreon tier where the episodes are edited to definitely remove any occurrences of the phrase “gaping anus”?


Re appreciating Derleth's work as a publisher while despising his work as a writer/rewriter/hack, I think that's a fair point. It's like being able to appreciate Lovecraft's work as a writer, and a titanic influence on the Horror, SF/Fantasy, and Weird genres while also despising his vile opinions. Appreciating one aspect of someone's work does not mean we must condone other elements of their characters. As a parallel, I thoroughly enjoy the work (Weird or otherwise) of a couple of writers of the British Raj, Kipling and BM Croker despite their decided opinions on people of my ethnic background. (Let me plug Croker as something unusual, a Victorian female horror writer whose subject matter is British India. Croker's story 'The Red Bungalow' is an amazing piece- I highly recommend her work, available on Kindle in a collection titled "To Let and other Strange Stories)


I support Gilbert Gottfried's podcast on Patreon too, and I think you embellished the Cesar Romero story a little- it's orange wedges thrown AT his butt, not IN it. Makes SO much more sense, right?


The lovely actor playing Poe did a ton of research, so I have faith in his choice of accent. Also, I am thrilled that Poe is back. I adore his character.


I got worried when I realized that they mentioned me a couple of weeks back, but now I have accepted my fate.


Regarding Jag-wire, I am just going to let Merriam-Webster settle this one. I’m done. Haha.


The People cry out for Lying Vincent Price!


And he says "I'll be there in just a minute, no really, I just have to do a few things first."