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Happy New Year! Slide into 2019 with some talk about complimenting babies, collecting hair, and the captivating adventures of Superklutz!



Baudelaire's renowned translation definitely has a male protagonist, right in the first sentence: "Vrai ! - je suis très nerveux". A female protagonist would be "nerveuse". Not that this makes Poe's version definitely a man, but in countries with gendered syntax, I imagine they all have male protagonists.


Around half the commandments are specifically religious and so not the basis for western law. You can break them with no punishment. You can also covet all you like. So that leaves four which are relevant and and which can be seen as an expression of the Golden Rule (do as you would be done by), present in most ethical traditions (<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Rule)." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Rule).</a>


Happy New Year you guys! I've loved inviting you into my home, this and every year, and long may it continue.


I believe that I wrote the post that was deleted, but I didn't delete it and assumed Chris or Chad did.But I came to believe that Patreon did ,after the purge of people I am convinced that Patreon did.Almost every creator I support has mentioned that they have lost subscribers. Even Techmoan (a Brit) had a problem with a video, he referred to a cigarette using the British term (f$g) and had to remove it (edit) from his video he uploaded on Patreon. Patreon is scary, way over the top 1984 ,hopefully an Internet Bill of Rights is coming, wrongthink is real.


Happy New Year all


That sucks! I wanted to be able to talk about it. Yes - we've lost some subscribers as well recently due to Patreon's bans. This platform has solved so many issues for us and other projects of our size, so it's distressing when we get punished for things out of our control. Just know that our emails and social media channels are still open for whatever thoughts folks have if they get removed here, and we'll alway advocate for free speech and thought. Thanks for hanging in with us!


Happy New Year and thank you to Chris and Chad for continuing to create this podcast. It is a joy and a delight!


Did you know that Mcready from " who goes there" is speculated by some as Doc Savage, man of bronze ?


Yesterday I learned I work with a fellow podcraft fan! As I walked down the hall, a coworker called to me and said he heard my name on a podcast over the weekend. "Oh really?" I replied, "which one?" "HPPodcraft!" Turns out he's a long-time fan like me! Ours is truly a weird, small world.


I was thinking about the superhero "English" that could throw things and twist with great precision, like the key into a lock, unlocking a door. I believe he was referring to a billiards term. "When a cue ball is struck on either side of its vertical axis, giving it 'side spin,' that's called 'English' in billiards." <a href="https://www.thoughtco.com/english-in-billiards-368382" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.thoughtco.com/english-in-billiards-368382</a>


Happy 10 years to the podcraft! For 10 years, I've been listening to you two crack wise and talk about weird fiction while I do the yard work. ... That's a depressing amount of yard work.

William Ehlmann

Hey, it’s a bit late I know but Here are the top ten horror films I personally saw in theaters last year. Also just wanna say I’ve been listening since The Moon-Bog and haven’t missed an episode since. Great moves, keep it up. Proud of you! 1. Hereditary 2. Suspiria 3. The House that Jack Built 4. Mandy 5. Climax 6. The Little Stranger 7. Annihilation 8. Halloween 9. Upgrade 10. Unsane

Lord Rancid

WAAAAAYYYYY! late to the party but bonus points for the super early Neph's sample...