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This new episode portends the dichotomy of youth and the complexity of age. As you listen, you will taste coriander, cardamom, white pepper, vanilla bean, dried rose petals, a pinch of tobacco, rich-wet garden bed soil and soft leather.



I have to admit that my partner Todd has been demanding, for a while now, that I write a strongly worded comment complaining about the dirth of Lying Vincent Price gags. It feels good to know we are not alone in our disappointment. Make with the content Pfeifer!


On the subject of creepy/weird Christmas characters I highly recommend Stuff You Missed In History’s series of episodes called “Krampus and Friends”. They skipped Mari Lwyd (Mar-ree Loy-d) the Festive Welsh Ghost Horse, sadly. But there’s a lot of strange, wonderful, freaky AF, figures around the world that are associated with Christmas. (Like Spain literally does have a Christmas Poo that they put on a table and sing to as they beat it with sticks until it bursts and reveals candy.)


With all my inconsiderable power I demand more Lying Vincent Price!


December 6 in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and elsewhere is Mikulas where people (mostly teenagers) in groups of three dress up as Santa (not really, their version) an angel and a devil, the latter complete with lolling bright red tongue han´ging out (typically cloth) all in black and generally quite a terrifying sight for little kids. It was quite interesting when I lived there in 90s to see families take their kids out to be visited/interogated by santa with the angel checking their book of good children and the devil doing his best to scare them. It often worked, so lots of bawling kiddos, Merry Christmas!


Thumbs up on Fool's Fire: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8lqzIz-dNE" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8lqzIz-dNE</a>


Quick correction. You're thinking of The Satanic Temple, not the Church of Satan. And the Baphomet statue isn't related to nativity scenes, it was commissioned to be placed next to 10 Commandments monuments that various state legislatures keep trying to put on government property (in that context it's intended to represent religious plurality, but said legislatures keep deciding to remove their monuments rather than acknowledge other faiths).


I think "directed by Julie Taymor" pretty much set the bar for weird/creepy visuals in Fool's Fire. Every non-dwarf character being portrayed by puppetry is only one example of several, and its symbolism is pretty effective: Hop-Frog's kin are relatably human whereas his captors (who, remember, inhabit a land alien to him) are grotesque giants by comparison. I personally found it more disturbing when all the mannequins (great symbolism again) turned their heads and cried after Trippeta's attack. The grim atmosphere of Fool's Fire and the pathos of its protagonists make it possibly the most successful Poe adaptation.


This is my first time commenting on the show and I have reserved that honor for something extremely important and personal to me...please for the love of God give us more lying Vincent Price. I don't know why I enjoy it so much but it always brings a smile to my face. All the other content is great too I guess. You guys are fantastic, keep it up!


I love lying Vincent Price too, I think it was inspired by the craze that swept Hollywood back then. Of course we all remember complimentary Humphrey Bogart along with churlish James Mason, and who can forget the radical candour of Peter Lorre.


Who doesn't love Vincent Price and Peter Lorre? Their "The Raven" with Boris Karloff(which you guys have mentioned before) is really funny, I watched it every Halloween as one of my guilty pleasures. A little off topic but when are we gonna come around to Robert E. Howard again? My Conan itch needs to be scratched, though if you wanna go more HPL you should look at "The Dwellers Under the Tomb." The first time I read it I was living in a basement apartment with a beaded curtain as the door, my dog was standing outside in the dark so all I could see was his eyes, it literally made me jump up and turn on the light. Anyone else had that sorta thing happen to them? Reading a scary story then looking up to see two points of green reflected light?


The Tradional reason the 10 Commandments are placed outside of government buildings is because they are supposed to represent the basis for western law. They are a set of rules for people to live by and some of the oldest we know of. Several places also put a copy of Hamarabi's Code Stele next to them because they are foundational law texts. Sorta a point that a lot of people miss


Plot twist: Chad's son grows up to become a famous sommelier.


“Hungry Ghosts??” You mean to tell me that in China they have a whole month devoted to Pac-Man?


OK, another reflection here, about seeing faces in random objects. From my days studying the history of religion at university, I remember hearing about the old folk religions of Ingria, the forested border regions between Finland and Russia. The Ingrians saw spirits and deities all the time. If they saw a face-shape in a pile of wood or in a snow-covered bush, the belief was that there was a being there. Interestingly they still believed it even if they one second later saw that it was just the shape that made it look like a face. The concept was that there still was some kind of spirit or entity there, that made the thing look like a face. That's pretty different from the way we podcast listeners would think. We would of course say "oh it was just a random pattern in my toast that made it look like a face". The old Ingrians would say, "oh it was the spirit of the toast that made a face there." Please keep this in mind: Just because it's just a random pattern that makes something look like a face, doesn't mean that there isn't a ghost there!