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Based on the table-top game from Modiphius Entertainment, Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics is a turn-based strategy game pitting players against a rogues’ gallery of Lovecraftian beings controlled by the Third Reich.

Take the reigns of Charlie Company, an elite band of allied forces sent in to foil the Nazi plans and turn the tide of war.

Developed by Auroch Digital, Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics is available now on PC , Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Find it on Steam and console stores today.


Jon Bunger

I am enjoying this game a bunch, thanks for advertising it. This games feels like the spiritual successor to “Call of Cthulhu: The Wasted Land” with much tighter gameplay and design. It’s not quite XCOM but has some features I wish XCOM did. Fun fact XCOM essentially fought Cthulhu back in 1995 in “Terror from the Deep.”

Tomas Rawlings

Hey Jon :) Well spotted! I'm was the designer of Call of Cthulhu: The Wasted Land and also a designer on Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics and considered it a spiritual successor. If you're enjoying it, please do leave a review: <a href="https://www.aurochdigital.com/blog/2018/11/9/how-and-why-to-review-on-steam" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.aurochdigital.com/blog/2018/11/9/how-and-why-to-review-on-steam</a><br><br> Oh and fun fact - I worked under the designer of Terror from the Deep in my first commercial game role, and can confirm he was a Lovecraft fan and that is correct :)


You guys are awesome! I heard the commercial and the whole time I was thinking, “This reminds me of that awesome Cthulhu WWI game for iPad I used to have with the carrier pigeon airstrikes.” I went to look it up but it no longer showed up in the App Store even though I had paid for the full version. So finally I typed, “Call of Cthulhu WWI game” into a search engine and found the game I loved back in 2012. It’s a damn shame it is no longer downloadable because I would play it again. Anyhow, I decided to open the comments to relay my find memories for “The Wasted Land” only to read your comments. Must download this new game ASAP!


“...to relay my fond memories...”


Best advert ever!