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Totally understand not having time or energy for a difficult 20+ hour video game! But when the story in Bloodborne starts to switch from gothic horror to cosmic horror... It's SO GOOD, blew my mind & I really want more weird horror fans to share it. Unfortunately there's no good way to experience that without playing the game, so, alas!


Another thing to remember that makes the whole mess even more pitiable is that Lovecraft loved science--enough to give up cherished ideas like a clockwork Newtonian Universe when they were disproven--but he lived in a time when evolutionary biology, as it pertains to humanity, was wracked with the cretinous depredations of folks like that rat bastard Ernst Haeckel. Racist, ignorant pseudoscience was accepted by the community of researchers and professors as fact, with no real evidence beyond "Well, we all KNOW white Europeans are superior to everyone else, right?" I don't know that having actual, hard science on the subject could have coaxed Lovecraft away from his cherished prejudices, but...well, a man can dream, can't he?


Hrm. Is anyone else experiencing any Patreon difficulties? One of my comments disappeared, and when I typed a replacement it ALSO disappeared.


Ehh, I edited it into my first post, and it seems that finally took.


"It doesn't violate our dead authors rule" This is how they take their first steps toward murder


All of the comments here are not loading. That's new.


Have to say I've never heard of Bloodborne since I'm exclusively PC gamer but this is making me think again about making that PS dive (despite wallet screaming NOOOOO). But hoping beyond hope this new COC game, which will be on PC, will be good.

Terrence Edwards

I wanna chime in about the The complaint about comics. If you think Marvel hasn't always wrote its stories in the hopes of netting a wider market, you're kidding yourself. It's a business. Every action is a "cold and calculated" "cash grab" How is the redesign and swapping of characters any different than the constant special editions cashing in on the speculators market in the 90s? How about Todd McFarlane's decision to go full ham on action figures over the comics business? Even Marvel has eased off on its X-Men titles because they don't own the movie rights. Anyway, these things are seldom permanent. Some will stick. Some will revert back.


Just a quick note to agree: the commenters here are wonderful. I believe we all deserve pats on backs. Line forms in Hello Kitty Town. (fine, I admit I'm just trying to coax you all out here . . . but you really should come...)


I don't think I strongly disagree with you Terrence and maybe I'm making my typical mistake of thinking in terms of my childhood (late 60s/70s) and how I saw comics, but I always believed Marvel was the bolder risk-taker compared to DC. I think Chad said it best that Marvel today is all about branding, but I remember when Falcon was introduced. It was not popular for an African American to be shown as Cap's partner, not sidekick. And later as Storm was featured more and more and ultimately led the Xmen, there was plenty of blowback about that and not only in the south where I was (and couldn't often find Falcon comics, or issues with other black superheroes on the cover way into the late 70s). And flashforward to now, Bobby Drake's storyline of being gay has met with more negative reaction than positive. These are not decisions made to just make money. You're right that if it doesnt work, it won't stay, and as I buy very few comics these days I cant pretend to be up on what is really trending, but I see more effort in these examples and others like Kamala Khan of taking risks than just going for a cash grab. I understand what you mean when you say they are not being original, but the success rate for new comics is exceedingly low, so the strategy to tell new stories with established characters. I dont think that is always cold and calculated but I fully accept the possibility I am seeing this through overly optimistic eyes., but as I wrote before one of my nephews loves Miles Morales. To him that's Spiderman and I think that's great.


RING RING, RING RING “Hello, Ligotti residence?" “Mr Ligotti? This is Chad Fifer of the H.P. Lovecraft Literary Podcast.” “How did you get this number?” “That’s not important. I think you know what we want.” “You’ll not be reviewing my stories any time soon!” “I wouldn’t be so sure, Mr Ligotti. We have our ways.” “Oh, don’t tell me you’re going to say something hackneyed like you’re calling from inside my house?” “Now why would *I* need to be inside your house, Mr Ligotti?” “What do you-“ THUMP CRUNCH THUD - click “Chad, this is Chris - it’s done.” “Good work, lackey. Now we’re all set for episode 420, “The Clown Puppet.” “Yes, and- wait, did I hear you use a lower case ‘L’ there? What are you saying? You’re not the boss of me!” “Yes, yes, whatever. Now, have you got the cyanide with you? We need to... prepare... for NoVanderMeerber.”


On the app or website?I find the app doesn't load comments quite often so I have to go to the browser web site to see everything.


Love the comments show. Keep em coming.


Are the three long comments I originally had at the very top visible to everyone else? Because to me, they've been deleted.


Nope. Was wondering what the first two comments are. Number of comments stands at 21 but when I hit load (numerous times) the first two are always missing (on site and app). First time I've seen something like this on Patreon. They're not deleted I think just not appearing. The first comment is from Adam and shows 2 missing Caleb so if you posted 3 that does mean one is deleted.


The first two comments aren't loading for me either! I'll drop a tech note to Patreon.


Aw I really liked the radio drama for The New Catacomb. I think you guys did a fine job.


I always assumed Chad's pronounciation of "ne-Crom!-ancy" was due to his Cimmerian heritage


It's great that now in comics a much wider range of people have someone to identify with in superhero stories. Superheroes are for everyone, not just old white dudes like me.


While I never read comics as a youth, I've definitely become more interested in them since the rise of Marvel Movies. So any comic related content you guys put out definitely gets a listen from me.

Frank Lee

I would disagree with the idea that Marvel is replacing known white male characters with PoC and other preferred groups because of sales or cynical business reasons. On the contrary their sales have been dropping notably, and most titles which sell as poorly as Ms. Marvel are usually cancelled rather quickly. They keep these things going due to genuine social and political beliefs, however misguided, though of course a business can't not make enough money forever.


Wow how meta with so many comments on a comments show.On the Ray Bradbury quote about local news it is interesting that in our Late Modern age that there is no such thing as local news anymore.Information can speed across the globe without the presence of any gatekeepers to shallow it first and regurgitate the mash for the infants who still feed upon it.The late Stage Modernity is the essence of the time Lovecraft foretold of ,the choice of madness or fleeing into “The Prior Supreme Darker Age” .


Just got a copy of Emily Carroll's "Through the Woods", a collection of short horror comics, and I definitely think it is Lovecraftian horror by your definition (where the character's will doesn't really affect things and nothing is really explained. Also everything is scary and ends...poorly). It's definitely getting a place on my Lovecraft shelf.


While Chad's Abraham Lincoln comment gave me a chuckle, Chris' response had me laughing out aloud. It was infectious, like some sort of cosmic laughter spore infecting my mind.

nils hedglin

Was this the episode where Chad and Chris mentioned they'd shared a bed? Sounds like the perfect set up for some slash fiction. Fifkey? Lacker? C&C Love Factory? (Props to Rachel for putting this idea in our heads.)