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Airdate: 1/11/2018

Time to get a-lurkin’! We’re jumping into the “H.P. Lovecraft” novel called The Lurker at the Threshold (which is actually by August Derleth).

Special thanks to our kick-ass reader, Anthony Tedesco!

Next up: More Lurkin’!


Ilker Yucel

It never ceases to amaze me just how much that introductory paragraph is almost totally ripped off from that of "The Picture in the House." For all three episodes of this story, thank you so much for covering what I think for many was their first, unfortunate exposure to H.P. Lovecraft... thankfully, I was spared this horror until after I was familiar with the background. Wonderful work, gentlemen, as always!


Were is the reading?


Whats up with this I thought i was going to hear a reading of the story?


Well looks like I will have to cancel this subscription.