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Airdate: 6/22/2017

Join us as we race to the conclusion of The Time Machine by H.G. Wells!

Special thanks to reader Greig Johnson – you can hear him fight the hordes of weird along with Chris at QuietAndBold.com!

Next week: The Fire of Asshurbanipal by Robert E. Howard!


Neil de Carteret

So I’m over a year out of date so no one will ever read this comment but here goes. Reading this story in a non-rhotic accent (eg most English accents, also eg Boston) makes Weena’s name stupidly funny. “mace in one hand and wiener in the other” “wiener’s head showed as a round black projection.” “In manœuvring with my matches and wiener I had turned myself about”


I read it, but I'm going back and downloading every episode for an mp3 player.