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1. I have received a message that my account is now allowed to sketch

as a "reward" without having problems with "taxes",

I'm still not sure if there were any changes to the rules but this is good.

since before I had "problems and reports" for this "reward".

2. From now on level "C" can ask me for a sketch (no raffles or polls)

if you are in level "C", send me a message for discord with your order.

(you have a period of 30 days to request this, then you lose your turn)

3. The "semi-commission" reward from level "C" will be eliminated.

4. The discord server is still "bugged", therefore I will continue to remove the

server every month. I hope they solve this problem later.




The sketch requests are back! Woooooo!


Can we send the message now or will there be a post to day sketch commissions open


Is it possible to trade in a sketch request for a semi-commission?


You can send your messages whenever you want, they have a limit of 30 days


It is not possible to do that, sorry, at least you earned some commissions