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Still don’t see the appeal for loli characters like water balloons. Tall vampire lady makes sense to me but not the hardcore water balloons


I like short stacks. They’re basically mature chaezfera just short and thicc


Seems like for next poll someone will suggest starfire again or vampire lady


I mean the vampire lady is a tallstack 9'6 or for the rest of the world 289.56 tall and thicc with a side of milf dom


I’m just...every month stay at home moms gonna win. Without question and if someone suggest water balloons each month then that one will win. That means at least 2 slots for every rough estimation will be jlullaby characters. I just want Pyrrha to win one time from me suggesting her so I can have my semi commission then I’ll drop to the 10 dollar tier


Basically if Hary has 4 polls a month every month will have those characters


Yeah I do think there should be longer restrictions. 2 months instead of 1. But I also wish there was some restriction on suggestions. @Noble4259 I know you suggestion keeps getting passed up and I feel for you but as someone who isn’t into Pyrrha it is disappointing to see her take up the RWBY suggestion month after month


Would love Ruby or Weiss for a change. Not a big deal though, I’m happy to support hary


I really want some shortstacks we haven't had one in a long time


The one that always wins is either BWC/BBC or H0rs3.


H0rs3 is more the all B34st but its the most common asked so it just went to H0rs3