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-Meme review activity will be paused until further notice.


-the last days since the last Poll, I have tried programs like:

Blender, Live2d and moho pro to create animations with another type of method.

I am currently in the learning process, (I am learning very fast)

sorry for the lack of content this month.

I am working hard to improve this to provide better quality illustrations and take the next step by adding animations  : )

honestly this is not easy, with practice it will not take so long.

I still need to learn some functions of the program.

I will make the winning character of the poll with everything I learned.

the animations will improve as you do more. please bear a little patience with me..


+ .this is a little test I did to practice...




Take your time! Excited to see you improve over the next year.


Will the resolutions still be the same or no?


the resolutions will be like the works of · shego · or · neo ·