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Weiss available now in Gallerys

Update 01.

Im making a compilation of my old works to publish a complete gallery
if anyone has images of the "old galleries" or "psd" please send me a message to help me collect the old works

 Update 02. 

The galleries on tumblr will be enabled again with a new configuration
to protect old and new works. the link and password will be available on discord. if you don't use discord you should send me a private message (will be announced when the new tumblr is published. it is not yet created)

 Update 03.  

The restriction in the "polls" will be removed. That means they can suggest any character in the top 10.




So a lot of your old works are saved on various sites like exhentai and such, so it might be worth it to look there as a starting point


Great work! Will supporters see nude versions of the art?


Its very difficult to apply the same effects in a nude version. this is the only version of weiss