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Thank you for you guys all over the world! (Sorry for late in this month. )

I will post them out to my dear Tier4 patrons .<3

Bad news is Airmail still being delayed for some country. 

And the post office was close in my living city. So I will post these mails in next month.

Good news is I can sent mail to France  next time. 

  • If you change your shipping address, please tell me.
    Because I always copy the info last time !!


抱歉本月遲了) 簽名明信片準備好了~

我會寄給親愛的Tier4 贊助者。<3 


不幸地我家附近的郵局正暫停營業, 所以這次的信件會於下一個月一起寄出。

好消息是法國的郵件終於能寄出, 但還是會有一些延誤。

  • 如果你換了新地址, 請一定要通知我。
    因為我每次都會直接用上次的紀錄喔 !!




As a french person, I'm happy to said I received all the previous month rewards some weeks ago! Thanks :)