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Thank you for you guys all over the world!

I will post them out few days later,  

to my dear Tier4 patrons (April rewards) .<3

This time I will sent one more postcard. (April & May)

Airmail still being delayed and  some country had stop receive airmail.

I'm still can not sent the mail to France.

So I will keep those mail, and will be sent out next month (if possible).

(Sorry to France patrons, I think it will delay at least 3 months.)

  • If you change your shipping address, please tell me.
    Because I always copy the info last time !!



我會在幾天後開始寄出 , 給親愛的Tier4 贊助者 (4月份的回饋)。<3 

由於一向明信片都比較遲寄出, 大家收到時都是上1-2個月的月份~

所以這次會一次寄2份明信片 ! 補回一些時間差XD

另外,  國際郵件依然是處於持續延誤的狀況, 普遍都會有近1個月的延期。

法國的郵件目前還是無法寄出, 所以我會繼續把無法寄出的信都保存起來。


(抱歉法國的訂閱者, 這樣下來應該最少會有3個月的延誤)

  • 如果你換了新地址, 請一定要通知我。
    因為我每次都會直接用上次的紀錄喔 !!

