Announcement / Rewards has been sent (Patreon)
Dear patrons,
From now on, my page is using "charge up front" .
Everything will be the same as before,
but new patrons will be charge immediately when pledge.
April 2020 Rewards has been sent. :D
If you processed paid but didn't get the rewards,
or any problem, please feel free to send me messages.
If you missing that,
you can purchase my old rewards from Gumroad.
從現在開始, 我的Patreon頁面已改為立即收款的模式了。
因為過往常常有訂閱者加入後幾天就退出, 他們誤會自己已經付款但沒有收到回饋...
現在改為"charge up front", 對於舊讀者是完全沒有分別~ 一切跟以往一樣。
另外, 感謝大家在4月的支持, 回饋圖包已經以訊息送出了。
或有任何問題, 請不用客氣 跟我聯絡。
如果你錯過了之前的贊助 ,
你也可以到 Gumroad 購買過去的圖包。