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Да. Обожаю Твай с самого первого сезона+ очень люблю Флаттершай и Пинки


"Master do you need anything?" "YES! You're on rough surfaces and handling chemicals in that? Good grief, let me fetch you something protective to wear! You are my employee, I care about you!" "Will this come out of my pay?" "Of course not! It is my obligation as your employer to facilitate you doing your job."


Селестия(если не считать Принцессу Твайлайт, конечно). Она очень похожа на мою учительницу со школы, а я была похожа на Твай из первого сезона. Очень любила учиться и смотрела на нее как на богиню


Интересно. Ну, фото есть? Тебя и твоой роги, тоже? Хахаха! Мои профессори ат МГУ, вообще не люблю. Одна жестокая, одна небрежная (если ей не нравилась, просто не безпокоялась про тебе ничего). Одна хорошая была. Она была похожа на Эпплжек. Тоже был мужщина, старик, которой похож на Галдалф Серий. Он был разведчиком. Много разговорились. Ещё сообщаем. Блин, Я не похож на пони. Я совсем мужик.


Какая милашка ;)


She is soooooo beautiful, thank you so much for finishing her! Would be fun to see a whole series of maids, some having more fun with it than others...


Twilight: Extremely excited Fluttershy: Shy,, just wants to get it over with Rarity: Acts like she hates it, but she loves the power and costume aspects Pinkie Pie: Can't get enough Rainbow Dash: Hates it Applejack: Confused but intrigued Celestia: Loves being ordered around, will do absolutely anything Luna: Resents being ordered around, but is secretly turned on Cadance: It was her idea to begin with! Maud Pie: Acts indifferent, goes out of her way to cause naughty situations, won't admit she likes it Sunset Shimmer: She likes it, but it's not her favorite Twilight Velvet: Hasn't had this much fun in years Milano Mash: Her favorite game that doesn't use a controller Posey Shy: Pretends to be modest, but wants you to use and abuse her Nurse Redheart: Not a fan given that she already works in an outfit all her boyfriends bang her in Spitfire: Likes it, but that's strictly secret. Derpy: A new fun thing to try Chrysalis: Anything to milk even more love Coloratura: She loves anything to do with costume play Sassy Saddles: She made the costume herself and is going to get her worth out of it!