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Happy New Years Eve Eve,

Last one of the year, thanks for rocking with ALL DAMN YEAR

2022 has been a hell of a rise, cannot wait for 2023.



Andrew says we the biggest comedy podcast on the planet 🌎 It figures fuck facts. Understand I’am a Flagrant fan for life 🤣 Then Andrews dumb fuckin ass says this new year I wanna go on adventures!? Go on adventures in your free time motherfucker and get back to the greatest hang on the planet just spittin fire with the crew occasionally having guests on that are fire too just burnin em laughing at the fuckin spot🔥 The adventures are cool but they ain’t nearly as funny as hangin with the crew at the spot is all I’m sayin. Remember I’m Flagrant for life regardless just my two cents fam


And furthermore if your going to take us on all these fucking adventures can there at least then be a sexy real female with some heavies to fill the spaces 🤷‍♂️


Boys I got to hear u guys talk about how the new YouTube demonized policy has hit u guys because I know yall cuss a bunch, are u guys going to try and cut back or are u guys not that affected by it.


Where the flagrant patreon moments


Wtf I want SPIN not this sad shit


Happy happy new years asshole army!

John Preston

27 mins into the episode and there’s not a single funny joke? These episodes have become a waste


coming to new york for the first time next weekend, funny how they were talking about it this pod. Miles if you read this please tell me what you would do on your first weekend in NYC, anyone else have some things in mind lmk as well


sad ep


Ayo what’s bunny’s ig 😂

sean adachi

Little birdie says you got a Dillon danis episode in the can ?

Josh McReynolds

Assholes, watch Ken Block drift videos. RIP.


no patreon best of 2022🤔