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Welcome back to Flagrant Fridays, got some fun for yall today.

Link for the minos: https://youtu.be/YgPz14sAOqY



Yoooo aakash pissed w/ his mic still on 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Carro is def car and we def say vegetables pronounced vehetables. Verduras for us are root veggies like yuca, taro, white yams. We Puerto Ricans have our own language 😉

Marvin Ordonez

You all need to get Peter Schiff on to school you about money. He’s been on Rogan, he’ll probably come on here. Also need Tom Luongo to school you on geopolitics. Luongo is like Alex Jones but in a suit and tie. And then get Craig Ferguson because it would be funny. He might even know Andrew’s parents.


Great book for learning the basics of finance is A Random Walk Down Wall Street but in general you're best bet is to buy an index fund on a monthly basis and just let the power of compounding interest work for you.


No Drake album review? I thought for sure the boys would be on that!


Aakaah def pissed with his mic still on 😂😂😂. I’m dead.


The way y’all described the wall in Dubai is way more realistic than the promo video - it’s actually a large ant farm for humans, how nice!


Political pod 😴😴


Don’t sell your new car after you fully depreciate it. You’ll have a 100% GAIN

Khalil Boulal

If you don’t get Gordon Ramsay on this pod then Andrew is a fake ass “Scott”