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Gentleassholes and ladyassholes, good morrow welcome to FLAGRANT FRIDAY

Thank y'all for being here - it's a chaotic ep, strap in.


Justin Smith

That shit Akaash was saying about Indians having “slaves” is 100% facts. I had an indian friend growing up. He and his parents were muslims but they had a hindu lady living in their house who would cook and clean. I asked him one time if that was his grandma and he gave me the most disgusted look and told me no. He was soooo disrespectful to this lady. She was an old lady and he was a little boy talking to her like she was straight trash. It was gross.


Yall should actually check out jidions youtube hes pretty funny


The reason Schulz said he’d never take his girl to Dubai is cause the only reason any good looking girls are in Dubai is for prostitution.


Gentleassholes? Alright.


Yall got some boring guests sometimes

Lavi Melchior

Great guests, keep them coming! Love Amin and muscle doc




On the fuckin pod u COCKSUCKAZZ LMAO

mario contreras

Yo i been telling them the same thing. It’ll be the most tremendously flagrant episode ever.

jordan stone

This shit stopped being funny. Put Mark in Akaash Chair n toss Akaash n Alex in the trash

Jesse Hernandez

Jordan Stone not 🅿️. Get ya corny ass outta here then 🤡

Lucy Fer

That fresh and fit pod was spot on. I have heard these guests mentality from a few people and it's crazy! Akash, Alex, guys thank you for calling them out on this BS. I give you guys so much props thank you. (Fortunately I haven't had to deal with guys like this but for my friends that had to deal, thank you)

Frank N Beans and Myrrh

The Enes take from Amin was entirely wrong. Enes is a wanted man still by the Turkish government and has endangered the lives of his family with his outspoken comments against the Turkish gov. Amin carefully strawmanned the topic about him vs LeXian Jiames and wanting attention when in reality, Enes is just an idiot who still wears Nike and supported a M4rx1st group in 2020 while adding Freedom to his name. All 3 of these clowns are attention seeking virtue signalers yuck 🤡🤡