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what's up patrons, we're looking for some great job quitting stories, drop yours in the comments down below VVVV 

- Miles



A customer came into kfc just before closing and demanded hot and spicy chicken when the fryers were off and only original was left. This guy I knew went to the freezer, grabbed the hot and spicy and threw the bag at the customer and screamed here’s your chicken bitch.


I was working as a cashier at a hospital cafeteria. The day I had enough of all the bullshit and having to smile about it, I decided not to charge anyone for anything. The funny thing is that nobody ever reported me, they just took their free shit and went on. The hospital found out later from comparing daily sales and I was charged with felony burglary of a sum larger than $1500. They couldn't take what I didn't have, so I did some community service to pay it off. Eh, fuck you. I win.

Adesola Amzat

I was a janitor at a hospital during the peak of the pandemic. My job was mainly to clean the rooms and toilets of discharged and dead Covid patients while getting yelled at and berated by the manager from hell. After I joined your editing competition and made it to the Final round, a film studio in New York hit me up, and offered me a position editing videos from home for the same salary as my old job. So of course I take the position and after missing my shift for the third day in a row my manager reached out to me and I told her if I never have to see her face again it’ll be too soon. Fast forward a year later I’m no longer editing videos but now I work in the department of treasury doing information technology, And I went back to that same hospital for the birth of my son and guess who I saw nagging and yelling in the ear of a new trainee, my old manager looking miserable as hell.


Not a quitting story, but in my early 20s i got fired from Mercedes Benz with shit in my pants . Then i had to call mom to come pick me up. Theres more to it but ill leave it at that


When is fashun getting restocked


Waddup asswhole army, Yesterday after four years working in a company, I turned in my letter of resignation as sales manager to go backpack Europe and write the next chapter in my life. After watching you asswholes for a while, I realized you only get to chase that feeling onces. After finding the cause, purpose and drive at 29 I told my self why not bet on myself. Appreciate all the wisdom 🤙🏻 JGV

Farid Zeineddine

A few years ago I was working at dominos delivery driving before starting med school. I hated this job and the manager was a bitchhh. Before leaving for med school I asked her to schedule me for 2 weeks and never showed up for any of them. Hope she got really stressed out finding some other scrub to come in. My favorite part about that job was reading on the boxes “fresh never frozen dough” as I was taking out the pizza dough out of the freezer


i was working at red lobster and had moved from dishwashing to bread making. It was far better than washing dishes but pretty hectic and busy as shit. As soon as i had trays of bread out I’d have to announce “hot bread!” and servers would swarm and take them before i could get the next batch in the oven, wash. rinse. repeat. One day this fucking dopey dickhead of a manager pulled me aside and said “hey Joe i’ve noticed you call out “hot bread” when the biscuits are ready. oh yeah, it’s to let the servers know it’s ready for their tables. “Yes, of course that’s not the issue it’s the ‘hot bread’ you should be saying ‘hot cheddar bay biscuits’ ok?” …what? “you need to say ‘hot cheddar bay biscuits’ when they’re ready.” look man i’m not doing that “It’s a requirement of the position, and if it’s not something you can handle then we will——“ you can handle these hot cheddar bay nuts, fuck this. and i walked out


Worked at a pizza place, started to get fed up with the Greek owners bulshit attitude the same night my friends band was playing in New York, I live in Rhode Island rn btw. My brother and my friends are at that concert telling me I can still make it if I quit and leave right then and there. I waited for the next delivery, had a large pizza, all the money I made that night and a 2 liter of soda all to myself and instead of going to the house I just got right on 95 south and drove to the concert in New York, all night they were calling me telling me I was gonna be arrested , nothing ended up happening besides me not getting my last few paychecks but fuck it , it was a great night and a funny story

Evan La

Same story every time. Put in my two weeks. Go to work for another hour, leave and never come back.

Weston Kirk

I worked for a moving company in college and the cuck manager told me I couldn’t wear headphones and right before I drove home I swiped some dope company hoodies and informed the manager I will not be coming back. Worked a lot of jobs..... never gave a 2 weeks 😂