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Flagrant Friday is upon us again - Akaash sits down with Paul Virzi to discuss comedy, sports, a couple conspiracies, and what it means to be Sicilian 🤌 ENJOY






It’s so funny watching people bitch about when Andrew isn’t there. These mother fuckers are trying to grow their brand and sometimes you have to make a sacrifice.. like alternative style shows because people NEED to be gone.

manu skariah

With Andrew gone Alex fucking audio , akaash n mark Are terrible hosts I’m cancelling


I don't think anyone would bitch if they'd skip out on the dumbass guest appearances, and just have Mark sit in Andrew's seat.


They're not bitching BECAUSE Drew is gone, they're bitching because when he's out, (which is often nowadays) Alexx goes full dumbf--k on the audio, worse than when Drew is there. And they have the most boring guests


Virzi says hes sicilian as much as a 14yo says their non binary too much and has nothing to do with anything


His beard is fake🤣🤣


All these liberal cucks complaing about Andrew not being there, Akaash and Mark are still doing their thing and are good at that! Bro yall ain't true fans just selfish cucks.. I look forward to every episode. Thanks Akaash and Mark for putting out content. They could have just not done a show. Be happy with what you get.


Does it make you feel kind a tough guy for repeating the word cuck just because you hear it on a podcast?


Go on witchya unvaxxed ass Mark 😏✨

David Diaz

love the football talk


Man I hope Alexx didn't get fired or if he did just keep him on as a voice we need him he's the perfect contrast to everybody else plus you need a black guy to be there for some of the things Schultz says 😂


Where alex?


lowkey boring af pod and akash takes were questionable af

Michael hylton

Don’t hate on Akaash but I do agree it’s not the same without the whole crew even when Alex is gone and Schulz is here it’s less fun lol


We can definitely do without Alexx come on now

Hasan Saleemi

Y'all hating on alexxx like you could do a better job... keep stocking the shelves at CVS cucks. Stop hating