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Welcome back to Flagrant Fridays, we got a great one this week with Akaash and the Are You Garbage guys - ENJOY



The Jerklocker



Yo, who’s this whack “producer” that keeps fucking up at their job?

manu skariah

This episode was so trash I wanted to cancel


Great episode, Love you Akkash!


Every week is another awesome example of the quality of work from WTF Studios


Weezy needs to go of on Al for making WTF media look terrible, I wouldn’t trust Al recording out of his own phone

Sean Andrews

Y’all coming at foleys necks with all these fat jokes


Can we get an episode where Dov teaches us how to Truffle everything, women finance, travel...

kim hightower

Akaash's love for these to bozo's is the best bro love ever. I can watch the 3 of them all day.


Andrew is doing a movie with Seinfeld?!!!

Sean Harry

Hey fellow assholes! Does anyone have a DAZN account I could use for this Saturday?

Bryant Huff

Akaash the 3 of you need to do a podcast together. These past two weeks probe you can carry a podcast!

Jaime Hinojosa

Does anyone know where the story about Johnny tsunami is!?