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Thanks for joining us for Flagrant Friday - this week we have an Afghanistand based journalist on the pod as our correspondent to fill us in! 

Skip to ~1:05:00 for the second half of ep




Ngl I’d rather this be a non Patreon episode I’m paying 5 bucks for funny shit idk just me?


Vala sounds like Gary Vee


Wtf happened to no politics?!?


Is there a video?


Nevermind I see it lol


😂 need to start a different podcast then cause flagrant started off of pure jokes without all this bs

Matthew Banks

This episode is a little racist without Alexx 😂😂😂


Nah they advertised it at “more flagrant” and stuff they can’t say on the regular episodes this could be a regular episode


I wanna hear them say some wild shit that’s what the said this was for


These guys are insane 😭😭

Chris Stine

Andrew is an absolute prick for not understanding the Afghan war and talking about it. He talked about it as of it was the meme version of the iraq war. I can’t fucking stand this guy.


The Taliban aren’t just a terrorist org. They’re people who grew up in a far off village with 0 education healthcare, infrastructure for their crops etc. So when the us comes and kills their family in a drone strike taliban rhetoric and idea to take down the extremely corrupt and us installed government just makes sense


What’s a Patreon member and long time listener got to do to be a photographer at the Boston show?

Chris Stine

Dude, the amount of misinformation that’s spread with Drew’s half brained summaries of the war is absurd. It hurts to listen to.


I agree with Chris stine. I’m here because I like their comedy, find them funny. They don’t know shit about Afghan war ( be it positive or negative ) I don’t care if you hate the war, at minimum have some understanding of it.