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Marquis Mercer

It’s crazy how now that Kaz gone. Akaash don’t mind talking politics now. He use to tune out or joke on Kaz enough to make him change the subject. I guess it’s different when he jus agree with everything daddy saying.


😂 True! He is such a yes man. Mark and Alexxx the realist with Schulzy


Naw yo the dynamic between Andrew and Akaash on politics is just better


Lets be honest. Akaash was willing to go homeless over this. Imagine working with somebody who always came late and has admitted he was not giving it his all. I miss Kaz, but I understand.

Marquis Mercer

It’s better because there’s no push back. We kno Schulz likes to pick the hardest thing to defend. When he does it on idiots char pushes back. On flagrant Kaz use to push back. Now akaash jus says ok and laughs then doubles down with him.


You right. I guess I should’ve put that under the specific comment I was replying too.