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This week on Patreon Andrew, Akaash, and Alexx discuss: buying your girlfriend gifts for forgiveness, the easiest way to dodge a cannonball, getting wedding RSVPs,  what it means to get carrots at dinner, the use of Black History Month, hooking up at your parent's house, and much more. INDULGE!!!




Honestly everyone should have seen this coming How can you be apart of a podcast and not show up half the time. And when you do show up your late lol. At the end of the day this is a business and you must have standards. The least you can expect from someone is for their time. And its obvious y'all didn't listen to the podcast because they told y'all that they tried to still make him apart of the podcast but he declined. This is probably because he still wanted his 1/3 share of the revenue, but couldn't commit to the work. And it isn't like the team didn't try to accommodate to Kaz. All the OG's remember that that podcast used to be on Mondays. But due to Kaz writing on WWE, the team moved episodes to Tuesdays Kaz isnt a bad guy or anything he's just too busy to be a host of this podcast. However Akaash, Alex, Andrew, Eddin all have other jobs outside of the podcast and they almost never let it impact their dedication to the pod.

Haben mengistu

Thx andrew & akaash for addressing the kaz situation BUT lets be real, if yall wanted him out THEN give him a farewell where he can do his last pod with yall and properly say bye to everybody. As much as i agreed kaz was not as committed as he should had been, he still brought alot to the show and you could had given him at least a final episode for him to say bye to. OR have a discussion with him about it privately AND then bring it up on social media where he has to come or he would like like the bad guy. BUT U DIDNT DO THAT and yall got salty. Legit cant wait for friday's episode. If yall go complaining & rambling, with no sports or any actuall good talking points WE OUTCHEA

Dave Jean

They probably made Kaz sign a NDA like...the corporate af Mike, im one of the good ones Bloomberg. 🤦🏿‍♂️




Honestly its better without kaz



Ray Martin

What if Charlamagne would have told Andrew he needed more commitment? Where would Andrew’s standup be?


This is what happens, Andrew & Akaash are the same. They are both comedians and have the same perspectives, so they are pretty much agreeing with each other the whole time, it gets old after awhile. What Kaz brought was a stableness to it, he had a different perspective, he made the podcast better. The reason why Brilliant idiots work so well with just Charla and Andrew is because they are two very different people with different perspectives that feed off of each other and make something special that people want to hear.

Dave Jean

Fyi- They finally talked about it on Tuesdays podcast.


Fucking crazy that ppl defend Kaz not committing to the pod when the pod is popping right now. Most people saying Andrew isn't being 'real' would've never heard of Kaz if it wasn't for Andrew putting him on

Haben mengistu

Great effing point! 100% agreed PLUS Kaz was the glue and connection! He had as much or equal knowledge in basketball as andrew's and as much knowledge in american football like akaash. PLUS kaz was able to provide back an forth debate with andrew to where we got great bits. If it wasnt for KAZ, we wouldnt gotten andrew so riled up that he would have LEGENDARY KNICK takes like "flood the garden" "being a knicks fan is like having AIDS" and "James Dolan hates black ppl!!!! Who has ruined more black lives than James DOlan??!!" Each and every1 of those takes Kaz was super knicks fan and trying to bring promise & hope which brought it out of Andrew. Also Kaz has as many or even more sports insiders who can provide info to us as much as andrew. At the end of the day, u gotta cut your loss but I wish they could see how they needed outside prospective b/c Andrew & Akaash is so similar sometimes they dont realize they gotta stop with their little bit or rant.

Haben mengistu

ur right andrew helped put kaz on BUT lets be real the past month and even 2 months we've been getting episodes of them legit complaining about their girl or ranting or going on about lord knows what for 20minutes to 1.5 hours. Until this past tuesday's episode, it was all over the place where they rarely talked about good discussion points or even sports. If it wasnt for the DoBoy episode I would had given all hope on the show. Up until tuesday and the DoBoy episode I had not listen to an entire episode of the show for the past 1.5 months.

Brandon Harper (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-01 13:57:24 They definitely need a middle ground because Andrew leans a little to hard on the idiot trope. Idea wise Kaz never gave too much & this is also a business we pay for it so treat it like such.
2020-02-28 02:45:34 They definitely need a middle ground because Andrew leans a little to hard on the idiot trope. Idea wise Kaz never gave too much & this is also a business we pay for it so treat it like such.

They definitely need a middle ground because Andrew leans a little to hard on the idiot trope. Idea wise Kaz never gave too much & this is also a business we pay for it so treat it like such.

Mike Mcgrath

But Andrew was committed it’s like years in between him missing brilliant idiot episodes

Mike Mcgrath

Y’all really came to this podcast to listen about sports? Fucking clowns. How y’all listen to a podcast with two comedians then be like “they joke too much” like wtf I never listened to this shit for sports.its legit only for laughs.

Ray Martin

That’s true. They don’t really talk about sports. If they do it’s only football or basketball.


Bro maybe the podcast is not for you anymore. There's no problem with that. I just started out as a Schulz fan from guy code and loved his podcast with lenard. I think the show is still funny and it's tough to always talk about shit you don't wanna talk about. Like I'd rather have them be funny about life shit instead of fake enthusiasm for sports talk


Hey sshhhhhhut d f up franks and bean azz and enjoy the ride dumb ass