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This week Andrew, Akaash, and Kaz discuss: the flagrant allegiance to China, Derek Jeter swinging his bat everywhere, figuring out the top tier QBs of the NFL, Tom Brady finally slowing down, Patreon Questions, and much more.



Bron Trouble In Little China - Full Ep

This week Andrew, Akaash, and Kaz discuss: the flagrant allegiance to China, Derek Jeter swinging his bat everywhere, figuring out the top tier QBs of the NFL, Tom Brady finally slowing down, Patreon Questions, and much more. INDULGE!!!



I agree with Andrew and akaash more than Kaz but they too damn over the top with their opinions when you do something they don’t like, it’s like they have all this nuance until you go against their feelings then they go the most extreme route of disagreeing,

Kaddeem W

Watson is top 5 QB. Mahomes, Rodgers, Wilson, Watson, Wentz . Stop looking a team record to decide everyone. Brady is being carried by the Defense


andrew is a certified bitch nigga towards kaz

Alex Salgado



I bet the NBA wished they signed Jeremy Lin now...


Andrew and Akaash were a bit too critical of the situation. Not only does this situation affect the money in the NBA, but it affects MILLIONS of Chinese fans. Fans that can no longer watch any NBA games and have their government tightening the hold even further. Lebron actually mentioned that we gotta start caring more about American issues, citing his hometown and school as his main priority. He said everything you could say without blatantly saying “idgaf about them”. He isn’t an independent entity as far as how his profits are made and unfortunately needs to maintain certain relationships to continue to be an influence. Give the guy some slack and stop ganging up on my mans Kaz lol


Hey asshole army! Who's up here in Montreal ?


Read this article about Hong Kong https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2019/10/does-hong-kong-even-need-the-nba/


Yo akaash is right about Russell's ex wife bruh, white ppl age like milk, somewhere between 24-46


I love Andrew and Akaash but there terribly in the wrong here. If Darryl Morleys tweet but the lives of 14 year old white girls in danger we would all be saying how much of an insensitive uncultured idiot he is. 2nd this has nothing to do with freedom of speech. Morley can’t nationally talk shit about business partners the same way you can’t tweet shit about your boss without expecting to be fired 3rd so if lebron doesn’t public ally defend Hong Kong he’s not a social justice warrior ? You realize Hong Kong is protesting against HONG KONGS OWN GOVERNMENT ? Not China ? Man you can’t have strong geopolitical opinions and call lebron wack if you haven’t even done real research on the subject


Although I don’t agree with brons comment, I feel that it’s not fair for people to shit on him like they are. Not too many people are going to actually be Ali in their “Ali Moment” and that’s okay. There’s too much money on the line for a risk like that. It’s easy for shulz and akaash to gang up on him bc they don’t have to make that decision. Their words dont have no where near as much value as Lebron. And kaz was right about how akaash and shulz are sounding very “Fox News ish”. YES Lebron said dumb shit but it’s like they were waiting for bron to say something dumb so they can finally have ammunition to discredit him as his empowering movement because he’s getting too powerful. It feels like it has an underlying tone of hate for the man

Quentin (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-01 13:57:48 LeBron worded it awfully but dawg when you’re overseas the NUMBER ONE OBJECTIVE is to get back home safely. NBA players are overseas when Daryl Morey fires off a tweet. The Chinese government could’ve been like “y’all not leaving” since you feel this type of way and now what? Idk how Andrew & Akaash fail to see that.
2019-10-27 20:09:55 LeBron worded it awfully but dawg when you’re overseas the NUMBER ONE OBJECTIVE is to get back home safely. NBA players are overseas when Daryl Morey fires off a tweet. The Chinese government could’ve been like “y’all not leaving” since you feel this type of way and now what? Idk how Andrew & Akaash fail to see that.

LeBron worded it awfully but dawg when you’re overseas the NUMBER ONE OBJECTIVE is to get back home safely. NBA players are overseas when Daryl Morey fires off a tweet. The Chinese government could’ve been like “y’all not leaving” since you feel this type of way and now what? Idk how Andrew & Akaash fail to see that.