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The 2nd Annual Flagrant Finals Watch party is coming. Game 3 on Wednesday night. As promised, we are dropping the link in the Patreon first. 

See you Assholes there. 


Flagrant Finals (Game 3)

Like we always do at this time. Andrew, Akaash, Kaz, Eddin and Alexx want to watch the NBA Finals with you, the entire Asshole Army in New York City. Pull up when doors open and get some drinks complimentary of the good folks at Tito's and check out Game 3 of the NBA Finals between the Golden State Warriors and the Toronto Raptors at VYNL.



Discord please #9782


Any help with a discord link?


Any assholes in FiDi tryna meet up before the event?


I’m going with a couple assholes 👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾


Any assholes that need an extra tik lemme know I got a extra. For free of course


Andrew, KAZ, Akaash, One suggestion. You guys should answer captain questions on the regular episodes to give those who haven't joined a chance to think they can have their opinions discussed. Can't hurt


I be late to all Episodes. Y'all talking about Mindset for kids. "Mindset" by Carol Dweck talks all about praising hard work over praising a "Natural" or "Genius". Great read


https://discord.gg/2CzSq3 Discord for y'all



Ian Summers

I am pretty familiar with gambling as a business, particularly non-sanctioned gambling (aka illegal book making). Having the gambling at the event itself is almost certainly not illegal, provided you are not making any money from it. This is even more true if the wagers are between assholes and you're simply facilitating it, as opposed to accepting bets and taking the action yourself against your own money. There's lots of other little details about how the bets are structured that can affect legality. I'm not local or free time wise to offer a lot of assistance, but I offer the above to essentially say, if you do it right, law enforcement attention wouldn't even be a problem (and extremely unlikely anyway as you're running a one-off event). Good luck.

Narr (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-19 20:00:12 I’m just now taking a good look and saw drake in the picture lmaooo
2023-01-19 20:00:12 I’m just now taking a good look and saw drake in the picture lmaooo
2019-06-07 14:24:32 I’m just now taking a good look and saw drake in the picture lmaooo

I’m just now taking a good look and saw drake in the picture lmaooo


Man these dudes weren't watching The FINALs the were watching Real House Wives


Dude... fucking leave, you’re a lttieral virus to the human society. Go suck your moms titties, dumb ass bitch


Kyle you sound like a child, I thought this community was about objective thinking? I have been disappointed in some of the recent recording and I'm expressing like a REAL ASSHOLE. But Kyle you are a sheep and will never understand the ways of a Sheppard.
