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YERRRR, the boys had to sit down and tell yall about movies, the apocalypse and why you should probably go to therapy. INDULGE

00:00 Kicking out the crowd, Bob & Tom chronicles + Mark’s first joke

5:10 What killed radio?

7:58 Bad Boys 4 will bomb, cinema in the future + big budget movies are done

30:50 Disney will always survive + Ethnics’ mental illnesses

34:37 Fallout, Andrew loves dystopia + prepping is YT people shiz & NY optimism

49:44 Terence Howard is SPITTING + we trust nothing

54:51 UAE maintaining respect level + it’s Burning Man

1:04:05 Do you have a doomsday plan? Cruise ship, Intrepid, seaplane + sail boat?

1:14:43 Would you kill in this society? How do you de-salinate water?

1:24:01 Favourite dystopian media?

1:25:34 Spell inclimate/inclement?

1:26:43 Lying about seeing his therapist? Go to therapy!

1:30:25 Age appropriate content with kids

1:35:10 The Sphere - what would a comedy show look like?

1:39:46 N**i grapist or being an r-word?


Charles Gibson

Shout out to you guys for having that kid who watches the lights turn off at the studio. Lil bro has the most wholesome gimmick 🙏


Yo Miles, i think u uploaded the patreon ep as a freebie to youtube by mistake... first 15mins is wild! :D

Parhio Echols

Schultz stay interrupting with his “real quick, real quick…” but the minute someone else has something to say it’s “let me just get this out…”. Nigga? Let THEM just get it out.