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Meet Yavena.
She's a redheaded barista, I guess?
I made her. More than I have "made" any of my other releases, because she's my first full-body blender sculpt morph! So custom, she's customing the customs custom.

I also made a custom genital morph that might be useful in your looks, too.
All the additional morphs are just tweaks, because Blender and VAM certainly don't agree on all aspects of their relationship.

Her skin is from my previous release, Ceilowyn (Elf), which is why that look is a dependency.

I didn't make her hair or clothes. Sorry, her pants are missing because they're not on the Hub anymore, I guess... I'll give her new ones for the final release. 

Roac did the hair, which is gorgeous, as his always are.

Yavena will be free on the hub in a week, I expect. I've got more sculpting projects incoming soon... this was a "side project" to practice my skills with the new Blender process, but there's still a lot coming down the pike!

Note attached VAR file. Please let me know if you run into any troubles, morph issues specifically (so I can learn), and:

THANK YOU THANK YOU for your support!



Halliwud P.

Looking great<3