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Hey there, welcome to the first of these voiced updates!

I'm recording these now to provide an easier way to keep folks in the know, since a lot of the time a mountain of text can be off-putting to read through. I will be including a transcript of this in text as well should you prefer reading!

So how are things going? Well it's a bit of a cocktail of good and bad things, in regards to both community and content. (I hate the term 'content' for YouTube stuff, it makes it sound like formless slurry to me, but it's the easiest way to describe what I do)

Well I want to start with a big thank you for viewing the Halo Reach highlight reel, and for joining me for the subsequent game night afterwards! I legit thought I'd get bombarded with dislikes for it, but it was very well received, and I never expected them to do numbers or anything; just to be a bit of fun on the side, a bit like the odd grab bag of stuff my channel was before I made the first retrospective.

That being said, I'm a little embarrassed at how long it took me to get it out; I expected only a week, but trimming the footage down, subtitling it, and putting together some skits took longer than I'd hoped. I had a really clear vision in my head of what needed doing so it seemed easy, but in practice, these things can be much more tedious than my imagination lets on.

BUT, the fact the Patreon grew by 25% from it's release, and the large but not overwhelming turnout of viewers to the January event, was very touching. I had an amazing time that evening, and am keen to host a patron game night near the end of January as well for those of you supporting me!

I hope to put together the footage of the halo night during the next quiet patch of production, which is the next thing I wanna talk about...

The next video I'm working on is a total War Warhammer video about the Ordertide; I just wanted to share some thoughts on it, since I think it's a uniquely poetic thing to have stemmed from that game and it's IP. If you want an idea of what it’s meant to be like, the video is gonna resemble my decade of halo reach video more than my retrospectives, and is currently around 12 minutes long.

One of my goals with Patreon and channel memberships was to give folks early access to videos as a bonus for supporting me, but unfortunately this video has a very strict time window for release, for a bit of an odd reason:

I've secured my first channel sponsor! It's paying very well and relatively flexible in how I do my ad read, but they have required me to release the video publicly before the 21st January in order for the sponsorship to be valid. The video should meet that deadline, but I don't think I can put it out early enough to give you exclusive access first.

I want to apologize for this, and I'm reworking my pipeline for Legacy of Kain and the future videos to ensure you've got at least a week of early access for all the bigger videos in the future.

As for Legacy of Kain itself, I've managed to secure a physical copy of the game for the review! I prefer to play and record on original hardware when I can for the authentic experience, and am very excited to get to writing about it.

I do want to say that I may decide to adjust my roadmap for videos, as I detailed in a public Patreon post in December (Which you can find here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/video-release-94006168 ) Since I’ve fallen a bit behind on my plans for production, I’m planning to remove the Fire Emblem video I spoke about from the February slot for now, and am dedicating that month to the Legacy of Kain video. This is to ensure I can reliably release the Dawn of War mod video, as well as Vampire the Masquerade, during March and April respectively.

If you were looking forward to the Fire Emblem video, I am really sorry for nudging it along, and if I’m lucky I could potentially create it for May instead.

Now I want to talk about the second channel for a moment. Usually, I like to have an episode of The List Goes On or Return To Sender podcasts each month, but these have fallen behind due to a mix of factors. I’m still waiting on our podcast artist Senpie to finish the next episode of the List, which is about TimeSplitters 2, and I’ve been putting the second channel on a brief hold to focus on the next mainline channel video. But they will be back to frequent uploads soon.

As for branching out on that channel, I have been eager to try streaming soon. I was thinking of streaming a Total Warhammer 3 campaign or something chill as a one-off, hosting on the main but uploading the vod to the second channel. But whether that happens depends on how likely I can make the time to set up and record.

So, yeah! Christmas was a much busier time of year than expected, but I’m hoping to come at the first quarter of the year guns blazing.

Leman Russ and Baneblade Tiers should look out for a post for the first round of Q&As later today, and if you’re in this tier and haven’t already sent a preferred custom colour, submit your preference to in the Discord channel or this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/custom-credit-95541617 

Speaking of, if you’re a Basilisk or higher, and haven’t joined the Discord yet, please let me know and I’ll send you an invite link!

Thanks for listening this far, and for supporting me once again! Every little helps with keeping the channel afloat and I really hope you enjoy the videos to come. Keep an eye out for more soon, and look after yourself this January!



Thank you for the update and thank you for giving us the choice between reading and listening :) Maybe call it "work" or "production of" or something like it? I really don't like the term "content" either :( reminds me of those low effort mass production non-channels on youtube. *Urgh* I can't speak for the other patreons, but the pre-release of content isn't that important to me. I watch both here and on youtube to give you as much exposure as possible anyway. Be careful not to overwork yourself o/