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Hey There! If you're reading this, it means you've decided to give this Patreon a looksie, and I wanted to say: Thank you so much for even giving this a look, let alone any pledges you may have made.

After struggling to get by for a while now, I thought it only made sense that I tried to give Patreon a go. The main reason I hadn't done it sooner was because I'm very conscious of my upload schedule, and didn't feel comfortable taking any kind of donation without being what I perceived as reliable. However, given I want to put a lot more time into YouTube in the future, it makes a lot of sense to put some crowdfunding up so I can feasibly put more hours in.

If Patreon has let me, I'll be setting this to a per-video basis, rather than per monthly, although from what I can see right now it hasn't let me do this. I'm hoping to fix this as quickly as I can!

What counts as a 'video' for this is specifically the following:

1) Retrospective Reviews

2) My 'Observation' videos (think the Halo Reach video I put out in September 2023)

Anything else that comes out on my main or secondary channels don't count towards collection as a result of this, and are entirely a bonus to what I'm primarily focused on!

I'm planning to put some additional posts on this Patreon within the next coming days to give you an idea of what kind of stuff you're benefiting from: the priority polls, behind-the-scenes stuff, and updates to ensure I haven't been raptured or something.

But before I wrap this post up, I want to re-iterate again: Thank you. I really hope that whatever I can provide through this is worth it! And I'm very excited to do more on YouTube and beyond for your entertainment.



Brother I'll tell ya what I've said before. Your content is great and you deserve to be able to make a living from it. I think I speak for everyone when I say that it's a pleasure to be able to be a patron of your channel ^_^


Merry early Christmas! You always do great content whne you release it so I am happy to support a talented creator who has a passion for what they do!