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Located below the Henning’s Tower of Fate, hidden behind wards and illusions, was the Chamber of Destiny. It was a dark room, built to discuss dark deeds. Rarely did the Masters of Destiny meet, for theirs was a secret order, within a secret order. Since its inception, the rules had stayed the same. Only 5 members, and each could only serve for 50 years at a time before they had to retreat from public life for at least 100 years. The sacrifice was to ensure that the Masters didn’t use their powers for personal gain.

The rules were so stringent, because they were the only ‘official’ secret order within the Council of Fate. The only member to know the identities of the masters was the High Prophet, for he was the one who oversaw the Masters of Destiny. Unfortunately, the current High Prophet, Director Weatherby, usually let the Masters of Destiny run themselves, since he was too busy managing the council and dealing with running the Hennings’ Tower of Fate. Yet, he now found himself in the Chamber of Destiny, responding to an emergency summons.

Sitting in the dark room, with his ceremonial hood hiding his face, he asked, “What was so important that you had to interrupt my meeting with the Shimmershield trade envoy?”

Around the small table, shrouded in shadows, were five nervous individuals. Each of them were hidden behind their hoods, but Weatherby could tell they were all anxious. He watched them looking at each other, and he could only assume they were having a private conversation about who would be the one to tell him why he was here.

As they gestured at each other in silence, the seconds passed without anyone saying anything. Fed up, he growled, “If someone doesn’t tell me what’s happened, I’m going to do something drastic to each and every one of you.”

They all slumped in their seats, but one robed individual spoke up. “There’s been a problem with Dorchester again.”

Director Weatherby, the High Prophet, dropped his head into his hands, and muttered, “What now?”

Another master said, “Someone tried to assassinate the anomaly again.”

Raising his head, Weatherby asked, “So? It hasn’t affected the reworked fate projections has it?”

The first master to have spoken said, “It’s a little more complicated than that. It turns out that someone was playing with fate… and they were rather obvious about it.”

Furious, Director Weatherby nearly shouted, “Did you idiots defy the will of the council again?”

They all held up their hands in denial, and one of them said, “No! It wasn’t us. We think it was the Children of Fate.”

Another robed master interjected, “I still think it was the Coalition of Desitiny.”

The director could only sit there and watch as the five Masters of Destiny began arguing about which of the secret orders within the Tower of Fate was responsible for defying the council’s edict.

Running out of patience, he slammed his hand on the table to get their attention and said, “So why haven’t you brought this to the council’s attention? Why bring me down here to talk about this?”

Abruptly, the five masters fell silent. After a few seconds, one of them said, “Well, as we said, it is a complicated situation. We each found out through our contacts among the other orders that they all were currently weaving fate within Dorchester’s walls. It’s possible that there might be a small problem with competing agendas causing unforeseen problems. We needed to give you a head’s up before tomorrow’s council meeting. Several orders are threatening to release proof of their competitor’s actions. We need you to rally the Council of Fate to ensure the veil of secrecy is maintained.”

The director rubbed his temples through his hood, and asked, “How many plots are currently running?”

“We’ve confirmed 14 so far,” said one of the masters, trying to sound helpful.

Staring hard at the masters, the director asked, “And they are all at cross-purposes? How is that possible?”

The robed masters exchanged hooded looks. Then one of them said, “It turns out that they were all trying to bring down House Walker. Technically, they weren’t going against the council’s edict. By not targeting the anomaly, but his house, they didn’t think they were doing anything wrong. However, they were inadvertently hindering each other. As you know, weaving fate isn’t an exact science.”

“And have you identified who aided the assassination attempt?” asked the director.

“Not yet,” said one of the masters.

Another one spoke up hesitantly, “According to the matrix, the combined efforts of the plots have resulted in 3 houses loyal to the Tower of Fate being forced out of Dorchester. Not to mention that there is now a chance that House Walker will take over the city-seat.”

Shooting to his feet, the director screamed, “WHAT!?!”

One of the master who had been silent up until now spoke up, “I queried the matrix of fate, and it is predicting the fall of the Tower if we don’t find a way to alter our fate.”

Collapsing into his chair, the director sighed in defeat. Looking at the masters, he said, “So, to sum up what you’re telling me. After everyone on the council agreed to leave the anomaly alone, they all used their secret orders to try and interfere with his path. As a result, the anomaly has gained money and influence, while each of the orders are blaming each other for their failures. Furthermore, there is a possibility that there is evidence of our interference while aiding in an illegal assassination attempt on a new noble under the protection of the crown. And, somehow, all of this madness concerning a minor noble in the middle of nowhere has altered our fate, which could possibly lead to the destruction of the Tower of Fate, which has existed for thousands of years. Am I missing anything?”

After a moment, one of the masters helpfully added, “The matrix assured us that even if the Tower of Fate falls, and we are all executed, the matrix itself will be fine. So, there’s that.”

The director and the other masters all stared at the robed idiot, silently hoping that something bad would happen to him.


When they arrived at the gate, Nero was surprised at how small it was. Instead of the towering opening which was Gate 15, or the smaller, but still huge, Gate 7, this gate was only wide enough for a two lane road. Compared to what Nero had grown used to seeing, it was positively tiny.

Not wanting to sound like an idiot, he used his link to open up a private connection to Nick. “Why is Gate 14 so small? Or are all the gates like this, but Gate 7 and 15 are the exceptions?”

Nero could feel Nick several paces behind him. Although he didn’t turn around to see, he could imagine Nick’s smug face as the man responded, “No, Nero. This isn’t Gate 14’s main gate. It’s just one of the sides gates in the ‘area’ of Gate 14. Each area is named for the main gate. We’ve covered this. You need to start paying attention.”

Rolling his eyes, Nero didn’t bother to respond, and just closed the connection. Turning to look at Guard Gibson, he said, “I’ll be relying on you to guide us to the Tower of Law.”

From behind him, he heard Nick say with some annoyance, “Actually Nero, you won’t. Why don’t you ever read your pings?”

Looking over his shoulder, Nero could see Nick brushing past Rose and Mike to join him at the front of their little group.

Glancing at Guard Gibson, Nero realized that he couldn’t respond with his typical snark. Instead, he said, “I’ve put my link on silent so that I didn’t have to avoid a connection with the arch-mage, or anyone else within Dorchester’s power structure. Until the assassin has been delivered, and my duty completed, I don’t want to engage in politics. Now isn’t the time for checking my messages.”

Nero was pleased to see Guard Gibson smiling, and nodding in agreement. However, he could almost feel Nick rolling his eyes when he heard the man scoff. Nero looked over his shoulder, to glare at the man.

Opening another connection to Nick through the link, he said, “Remember to look like a noble. Image is everything, and we can’t look like we don’t know what we’re doing. So, stop being an asshole, and making me look bad.”

Nick slightly grinned, but nodded his head in agreement. Changing the subject, he said, “If you had bothered to read your pings, you’d be aware of what we’re going to find on the other side of the gate. For the past hour, I’ve listened to you outline hypothetical enemy responses, and how you want me and Vera to react to them. But, you’ve been ignoring what is happening RIGHT NOW.”

Nero returned to facing forward, doing his best to appear like a typical noble, and not a scheming little bastard having a covert conversation with the man standing right next to him.

While they made their way into the long tunnel which made up the gate, he asked, “OK, I hear what you’re saying, and you’re not wrong. But, I can’t pay attention to multiple things like you can. You can relay messages, and coordinate our actions better than anyone other than Vera. I needed to think things through, but we’re almost through the gate, and the time for planning is over. So how about you give me the highlights. What are we walking into?”

Nick kept his face blank, as he responded, “Vera’s sent some mercenary guards. They’ll be wearing Precision Shipping badges and cloaks. As you probably don’t know what they’ll look like, I’ll be sure to point them out. Also, there should be a representative from the Tower of Law waiting for us. In order to verify that they are, in fact, sent by Vera, they will use a code-phrase: ‘I simply want to win’. Vera said that you will be given command, so make sure you don’t act surprised when they all follow your lead.”

Nero glanced at Nick, and gave him a subtle nod. Nick could feel Nero’s nervousness over the link’s connection, and tried to project his feelings of support. As they walked the remaining distance through the tunnel, they didn’t speak, but kept the connection active.

Emerging back into the sun, Nero looked around the busy street looking for the two groups who should be waiting for them. Nero’s group had emerged from a tunnel which had opened up to a large open receiving area, and the guards should be somewhere off to the side.

Feeling a tap on his arm, he looked over to see Nick pointing at a group of armed people in the distance. They were wearing brown cloaks with a jeweled ‘P.S.’ for a clasp at their shoulder. Even though they were too far away for Nero to recognize them, Nick apparently didn’t have a problem doing so. Nero smiled, and started leading his group over to meet them.

The receiving area was massive, and sloped so the gate looked down over the crowd. Stalls and warehouses surrounded the area, and carts were moving about, delivering their goods. There must have been hundreds of people spread across the space, and it reminded Nero of a massive convention hall. The only thing missing was a ceiling.

While making their way through the crowd, the regular people surrounding them were looking on with interest, but were nice enough not to approach them. In fact, they all made way when they saw Nero, and the universal recognition was starting to make his palms sweat.

Before he could close the distance to Vera’s guards, Nero’s attention was grabbed by a disturbance in the other direction. In the distance, the crowd was being shoved aside by another group. Five guards in blue tabards with the Tower of Law’s symbol on them were pushing people out of the way, and they weren’t being nice about it.

Even from a distance, he heard them shouting, “Make way for the Law,” and “Tower business, move aside.”

Looking at their tabards, he remembered his experience being escorted to the arena. ‘Too bad that Bill guy isn’t here. These guys seem like dicks,’ he thought.

Nero halted his party, preferring to wait for Tower’s guards to approach. He saw Guard Gibson nervously gripping her sword hilt, and he said, “Wait for my signal, Gibson. They may be on our side.”

As the Tower guards approached, he saw Vera’s guards snap to attention. Nero offered them a wave, and tried to imply that they should come closer. He could see the moment they decided that Nero needed help. He tried to hold up his hands to clarify that he wasn’t in any trouble, and that there was no reason to make a scene, but it was too late.

Like an axe head, they forced their way through the crowd, shouting, “Get out of the way!”

Nero saw the grim faced mercenaries pushing people out of the way, with some people being shoved to the ground. The Tower guards noticed, and redoubled their efforts to push through the crowd from the other side. Nero could only grimace as the two forces disrupted the otherwise pleasant atmosphere.

Nero looked over at Guard Gibson and Nick and said, “Go like this,” He clasped his fingers together at his waist, and made a platform for someone to stand on. “I need you guys to lift me up.”

Shrugging, Nick did as he was told. Guard Gibson and Nick had no issue lifting Nero’s head and shoulders above the crowd. Surprised at how high they lifted him, He looked out over the crowd to see people starting to panic. They were hearing shouting from both sides, and they didn’t know where they should be going to get out of the way.

Waving his hands back and forth, Nero shouted as loud as he could, “Everyone calm the hell down!” He saw people quieting down, and turning to look at him. Making eye contact with the two groups, he shouted over the crowd, “Stop charging through the crowd like assholes. I’m not going anywhere.”

Pleased to see the two groups slowing down. He addressed the crowd, “Sorry for the trouble everyone. Please go about your day. It’s nothing you need to worry about. Thank you for your understanding.”

Dropping back down to ground level, he looked over at Nick with a proud smile. Nick just stared at Nero and said, “You do know you just showed exactly where you were to everyone here. If someone was waiting to kill you, that would have been a perfect opportunity.”

Frowning at Nick’s analysis, Nero replied, “No one is going to try anything here. But, point taken. I just didn’t want to be blamed for a riot.”

Guard Gibson said, “You’re right to put the needs of the people before thoughts of your safety. You are a credit to the nobility.”

Nero offered a generous smile, and said, “See Nick. Stop trying to disparage my good name. I’m heroic.”

As their connection was still open, Nick used it to say, “Nero, I’m not sure if I can pull off pretending that you are anything other than a pain in my ass.”

Nero gave Nick a firm stare, full of respect, and replied over the link, “You can do anything you set your mind to. I believe in you.”

Turning away, he watched the Tower guards finally make their way through the last of the crowd and open up to reveal a stern faced woman whom they’d been escorting.

She bowed slightly, and said, “Lord Walker, I’m Lawbringer Mavis. Vera Salvatore-Verena asked me to tell you, ‘I simply want to win’. You have a prisoner for me?”

Nero looked at the large Tower guards, their stern faces bereft of any personality. Right as he was about respond, he heard a woman shout from his left.

“Lord Walker, I’m Natalie Keening, in the employ of House Walker. We’re here to ensure that you reach your destination unmolested,” she said while stomping forward to stand opposite the Tower’s group.

Behind her, 9 well armed brown-cloaked mercenaries emerged from the crowd.

By this point, their meeting had caused a large enough disruption that the entire crowd had formed a circle to watch what was happening. Nero could practically picture the phones that would have been pulled out to record the event had this happened back home.

Looking around, between his group, the tower’s, and Vera’s guards, they numbered over 20 people. And everyone was looking at him, waiting to hear what he had to say. He saw the crowd’s curious faces, and realized that he had to handle this delicately.

Coughing lightly into his hand, he cleared his throat. He stood at attention, raised his chin, and loudly projected, “I am Lord Nero Walker. I have just returned from aiding the army in clearing the eastern wilds. While my companions and I were deep in the forest, we were ambushed by hunters who were part of a plot to assassinate me and hide the evidence where no one would ever find it. But, we prevailed! One of the assassins has agreed to provide testimony against the masterminds, and I have agreed to do what I can to support him in his rehabilitation. After all, when nobles demand a simple hunter to follow their plots, how can they say ‘no’. Lawbringer Maybis, this man has a story to tell you. My companions and I deliver him into the capable hands of the Tower of Law, so that the truth can come out. Thank you for ensuring his safety.” Nero waved a hand behind him, gesturing for Mike to step forward.

The lawbringer grimaced, while looking around at the crowd. This story would likely make the daily update. She said, “It’s ‘Mavis’, Lord Walker.”

Nodding easily, he said, “Yeah, that’s what I said. Mavis.”

From the crowd, someone shouted, “Who was behind it, m’lord?”

Murmurs started up, and shouts of “Was it the city-lord?”, along with demands for justice grew in strength.

Nero held up his hands, and the crowd quieted down. Doing his best impression of a politician, he said, “We’re doing everything in our power to bring the conspirators to justice. Rest assured, that House Walker will not be intimidated, and we will ensure that the laws of Dorchester will be enforced whether the criminal is noble or not. Thank you all for your support, and I want you all to know that I will forever be grateful for my opportunity to defend this great city from its enemies, both foreign and domestic. Now, please go about your day. Let’s all let the Tower of Law do its job.”

The crowd actually had several people start clapping. But soon enough, they broke up to return to whatever it was that had gotten them out of bed in the morning.

While they returned to their regularly scheduled day, Nero greeted the guards Vera had sent. “Thank you for coming. You’re Natalie, right?”

Nick couldn’t contain himself anymore and interrupted. “Nero! What the hell was that?”

Surprised at the outburst, he looked up at Nick’s frowning face, and replied, “Insurance Nick. I just accused the powers that be of trying to kill me, while actually saying nothing of the sort.” Smiling cruelly, over the link he added, “And if they want me to clarify the statement, they’re going to have to make it worth my while. Also we narrowed down some of those hypothetical situations. No one tried to kill me, and the Tower of Law is now on the hook for providing an investigation.”

Nick looked shocked, and a little uncomfortable. They both turned in surprise when they heard Mike speak up.

“Can I go to jail now? It’s exhausting to be around you guys,” said Mike, while looking like he had aged 20 years over the past few days.


Adam Roundfield

Too real... The problems are not caused by the secretive cabal conducting its shenanigans, the problems are caused by the interactions between the shenanigans of the myriad different secretive cabals.