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General Branson stormed into the conference room. His day had gone from good to bad faster than he had thought possible. One minute, he was proudly approving the wall upgrades, and the next he was hearing that one of his pet projects was currently the subject of an assassination attempt aided by members of HIS army. The audacity of the nobles was unacceptable, and he was out for blood.

“All right. What do we know?” asked General Branson without even offering a greeting.

City-Lord Cosgrave was sitting at the head of the table, looking like she had just been told her favorite food was unavailable. On her right was the implacable Lord Bennings who, as usual, seemed perfectly content to watch the drama around her unfold. And on her left was the only person in Dorchester who was capable of making the general feel small, Arch-mage Jennings. Next to him was the new court mage, Mage-adept Newbanks.

Everyone in the room looked to the city-lord, waiting for her response. Meanwhile, the general kept walking into the room. He took a seat next to Lord Bennings and glared at the city-lord.

Sighing, City-Lord Cosgrave said, “It seems my daughter along with my former consort, Lord Blackwood, have conspired to assassinate the newly risen Lord Walker. Honestly, you probably know more than I do at the moment.”

The general said, “I received word from Lord Walker’s captain. Apparently, Lord Blackwood’s son, while serving as a sergeant, tried to be clever, but it seems to have backfired. Currently, no one at the camp knows anything, and they are currently unable to locate Lord Walker’s team.”

Jennings spoke up, “I can tell you that Lord Walker is alive, and he is currently heading toward Dorchester. However, it will take some time if you want me to be more specific.”

Lord Bennings interjected, “What of the conspirators? If they’ve been apprehended, then charges must be decided. You cannot just hold them without filing a reason, along with the corresponding paperwork.”

Mage-adept Newbanks firmly nodded in agreement, while Jennings just rolled his eyes.

City-Lord Cosgrave said, “I’ve had the guards confine Deidre to her rooms, but Lord Blackwood’s whereabouts are unknown.”

Jennings said, “I have Blackwood along with the mage he hired to track our little troublemaker.”

General Branson said, “And I haven’t decided what I’m going to do about Lord Blackwood’s son. The investigation into the incident is ongoing.”

Lord Bennings addressed each of them in turn. “City-Lord Cosgrave, you are within your rights to confine your progeny as she is still of direct lineage to you and hasn’t declared her own house,” she said to the city-lord.

Turning to the general, she said, “General Branson, as Lord Blackwood’s son is sworn in service to the army, the military code of conduct will come into play if you desire to punish him further than reassignment. Be aware that any military investigation must be overseen by the Tower of Law since the incident in question occurred within Dorchester’s borders.”

Her eyes hardened as she looked across the table at the mages. “Finally, Arch-mage Jennings, you cannot imprison a mage without filing charges, let alone a lord who sits on the leadership council. You need to immediately release them into the custody of the Tower of Law, and file a statement on behalf of the Tower of Magic. Your records will, of course, be checked for their veracity.”

After groaning with annoyance, Jennings replied, “Fine. After all, they’re the real victims here. Just send some of your goons to the mage tower and Newbanks here will hand them over.”

He waved his hand, and Mage-adept Newbanks’ eyes widened in shock as she disappeared with a golden ‘pop’.

Lord Bennings frowned, and said, “I really wish you hadn’t done that. It’s illegal to forcibly transport someone without their consent. I may not be able to stop you, but I will be filing an incident report and sending it to the Tower of Law in Hennings. You can expect to hear from them in the future.”

Arch-mage Jennings gave her an unconcerned, blank look, and said, “Uh-huh. Noted. Now can we get back to how we’re going to handle this bureaucratic nightmare?”

Raising an eyebrow in surprise, Lord Bennings said, “What do you mean? The law is quite clear.”

Face palming, Jennings muttered, “Heavens above, save me from the idiocy of those around me.”

General Branson ignored the enigmatic arch-mage, and asked Lord Bennings, “What does that mean exactly?”

Lord Bennings said matter-of-factly, “Houses Cosgrave and Blackwood have conspired to assassinate a new noble currently under the protection of the royal family. Both houses will be disbanded, their assets seized, the heads of houses executed along with the conspirators, and a formal war for succession of the city-seat will be announced for the following week. The council of leadership will have 3 days to decide the game they will play, while the army will temporarily take command of the city.”

General Branson sat in shock, while the city-lord paled in horror. Jennings couldn’t take it, and shouted, “Absolutely not! With what’s currently happening outside the walls, that would be death sentence for the entire damned city! Are you insane!?!”

Lord Bennings looked affronted and said, “That’s the law arch-mage. To ignore it is to invite destruction upon Dorchester regardless of whether or not the wilds are acting up. If we refuse to do our duty, then the Populators will wipe Dorchester from the map and rebuild a new city from our ruins.”

Arch-mage Jennings’ shoulders slumped in defeat. He seemed to sink into his chair, and his entire body went limp. He had REALLY let things get out of hand this time.

Just then, he received a ping over the link in his pocket. Recognizing the soul signature, he bolted upright in his chair and accepted the connection request immediately.

“Nero? You’re back in Dorchester?” he said both out loud and over the link. The entire room perked up with interest.

Ha! Couldn’t find me, huh? Suck on that, old man. I’m guessing some people want to make some deals and offer me some goodies to keep my mouth shut. Consider this a friendly warning… Vera’s pissed. Have fun with that. I’ll talk to you later, I’m going to find a shower,” said Nero happily, as his psyche radiated smug satisfaction over the link before it disconnected abruptly.

The room waited with baited breath, watching the arch-mage’s face rapidly contort through several expressions. Annoyance, confusion, shock, and amusement all flashed across his face.

Shaking his head in exasperation, he said, “Well, I’ve got good news and bad news.”

General Branson said harshly, “Speak man! What’s the situation?”

Looking at the shot-callers of the city, Jennings smirked and said, “Nero’s back, and there may be a way out for us to avoid a total disaster. That’s the good news.”

City-Lord Cosgrave’s hushed voice asked, “And what’s the bad news.”

Smiling ear-to-ear, he locked eyes with her and said, “He told Vera on you.”

Whatever blood was left in the city-lord’s face vanished like underage kids abandoning a rave. She collapsed in her chair, imagining what that women would demand as compensation.

Meanwhile, General Branson and Lord Bennings shared a nervous look. They both knew what was at stake, and both of them worried that Ms. Vera Salvatore-Verena knew as well.


The road to Dorchester remained empty, and they all shared a sigh of relief at the sight of the exterior town outside the walls. Increasing their pace, they reached the outskirts in just 20 minutes.

Nero looked up the giant wall, wondering where exactly they were. He couldn’t see a large gate like the one at Gate 15, but he didn’t see a smaller one like Gate 7’s either. From his vantage point, it looked like the entire wall was solid. Nero reminded himself that they were still probably an hours walk away from the base of the ridiculously over-sized monstrosity.

As they weren’t hiding their approach, they were quickly met by guards. Luckily, they were within range of the city-hub. While Nick contacted Vera, Nero attempted to take control of the situation.

Sergeant Wesker smiled in relief at the approaching guards, planning to use his rank to his advantage. But, before he could say anything, he heard Walker shout, “I’m Lord Nero Walker, head of house Walker, and I demand to be escorted to the wall. I have just returned -”

Sergeant Wesker interrupted angrily, “Hey! We’re back in Dorchester, and I’m not going to put up with your insubordination any longer. Guards! Take everyone into custody, we’ll sort this all out at the army compound.”

As the tensions rose, Cathleen gripped her spear tight, and Rose backed up to gain some distance. Mike looked like he didn’t care one way or another. However, Nick just smiled and shook his head. He felt sorry for the poor sergeant, Nero was going to ruin him.

Doing his best to sound like a pompous asshole, Nero stood up straight and shouted right back, “How dare you! I’m not one of your men. You were charged with my protection in the wilds during my noble trial, and you led us into an ambush. I was nearly assassinated! As a new noble, I’m under the protection of the House of Oglivarch. For you to stand there, after I personally resuscitated you, saving your very life, and have the gall, the sheer audacity, to demand my arrest. You, sir, are a disgrace to your uniform.”

Nero took a moment to appreciate the shock on the sergeant’s face, before turning to the 5 guards standing there with confused looks on their faces.

He said, “Guardians of Dorchester, I ask you to aid me in my time of need. As a lord of Dorchester, sworn to its defense, I must immediately report to the Tower of Law. Make sure this poor excuse for a soldier doesn’t hinder me. I have a duty to see done, and I won’t stand by and let politics get in the way.”

The guards all straightened up at Nero’s words, and in unison they turned to glare at the sergeant. Flummoxed, the man could only sputter, as his entire face was red with fury.

Satisfied, Nero turned to his companions and locked eyes with Mike. He said, “Stay close to me, and don’t you dare try and run. I assure you… you wouldn’t get very far.” Nero watched the man nod quickly, trying to stop himself from shaking in fear.

Turning back to the guards, Nero raised his chin and put on his ‘serious’ face. “Come along guardians. We have to get to the Tower of Law before the enemies of Dorchester can make their move.”

The guards all brandished their weapons and started looking around for hidden enemies. One of them, apparently the leader started shouting orders, “All right, let’s get the lord where he needs to go. No pings out. Collins, you and Oslo make sure that the sergeant doesn’t get any ideas. Let’s move people!”

As two of the guards took up position around Sergeant Wesker, the group made their way toward the wall. Nero took the lead, walking like he owned the very ground he walked on. He did, however, take a moment to look over his shoulder and appreciate the look of complete confusion mixed with repressed rage on the sergeant’s face.

Sergeant Wesker couldn’t understand what was happening. One minute, he was happy to see his fellow men in service to Dorchester. The next, he was being guarded by those same men. As he numbly allowed himself to be led forward, he turned to one of the guards and said, “Look. We need to get to the army compound. I have to report in. That little bastard took my link.”

The guard gave the sergeant a cold look, and replied, “I’m guessing you want us to just kill the lord right here in the middle of the street and call it an accident, huh? Well, don’t you worry, we’ll take you were you need to go.”

On the other side of the sergeant, the other guard spoke up, “A lord of Dorchester has requested our help in reporting an assassination attempt to the Tower of Law, and you think we’ll fall for your tricks. You just keep walking, and don’t try anything funny.”

Nick was walking behind them, relaying to Vera what Nero was up to. He couldn’t hide his smile, even though he made a solid effort. Nick hated to admit it, but Nero’s antics were fun to watch, at least they were when they weren’t happening to him.

Rose payed close attention as the events unfolded, marveling at the little lord’s masterful display. He had immediately taken control of the situation while making the sergeant look like a traitor. Rose didn’t know what she should do. As she thought through her options, she followed along with the group, wondering if she should sneak off and report in.

Cathleen was following along behind Mike. Now that they were back within the city limits, he was the only threat in the area. She sighed at that realization. Looking at the hunter, she didn’t see a hunter, or an assassin, she only saw a man who’d given up. He was no threat.

Looking up at the wall, she grimaced and muttered, “Well, back to civilization. Spending all our time talking, and wasting our days debating what to eat.”

One of the guards was close enough to hear her, and said, “Not everyone is cut out for the wilds, like us.”

She turned her head to look at the grinning guard, and looked him up and down in appraisal. Snorting, she turned back toward the wall and said, “Yup. Back to talking.”

The guards expression soured, and he rolled his shoulders in offense. But, he wasn’t stupid enough to say anything. He was well aware how northerners felt about southerners. Not that he’d ever admit that they were partially right.

Meanwhile, Nero was at the head of their little group, marching toward Dorchester with a smile on his face. He dropped his essence diffusion and felt the tension in his psychic field release. With a sigh of contentment, he mentally stretched. After a few seconds of peace, he opened a connection to the link in his pocket. Ignoring the pings waiting to be addressed, he sent a connection request to his good friend Jennings. After all, it was only polite to let the old man know that Nero was back in town.

Nero chuckled as he thought to himself, ‘I wonder if I can get them to make me a motorcycle? All of this walking is for chumps.’