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I'm trying out the idea of having this post be a place where you can ask questions about the book or the site.  I'm hoping that this will give me some insight into how to streamline things, and discover issues I missed.

If this turns into a dumpster fire, I'll just delete the post.  But hopefully, this will be a useful place to address stuff everyone is wondering about.

Ask away, or just post a comment.




Currently, I'm going through the chapters I have saved as drafts on royal road. I'm editing and whatnot. In the future, I'll try and consider the RR chapters the final edit. So, if you see some wording changes on some of the chapters, don't be alarmed. There is nothing changing in the story, I'm just fixing the wording. As I get more experience writing, I'm seeing things I missed before.


No idea how many of you celebrate christmas, but I felt like doing something for the holiday. So, at midnight a post will go up in the new 'side stories' collection. It's titled 'When Vera met Nick' and is a 2100 word short story about when they first met.